The last expedition with Shadis as commander came quickly. He lost his control when a distraught mother asked him if her son had made a difference and he had to admit that humanity hadn't moved forwards at all. He called Erwin into his office the next afternoon to tell him officially that he was taking over.
The ceremony was a load of bullshit in Levi's eyes, he couldn't understand what toasting Erwin would help or why everyone was getting drunk on the tiny bit of alcohol that was there but he did notice when Erwin disappeared half way through the night.
Levi found him in his quarters working. Erwin didn't even notice Levi in the doorway until he spoke. "Not liking the wine?" Levi asked carefully shutting the door.
"Why waste funds on something that doesn't need celebrating?" Erwin looked up and his sharp blue eyes seemed to draw Levi closer. He decided there was no need for small talk anymore as they both knew what would happen tonight. "Well then," he said, sauntering his way to Erwin's desk, "Why don't we celebrate something worth the wine?" He slipped into Erwin's lap like he'd done many times before.
"Like what, Levi?" Erwin nuzzled Levi's gland, giving it a small lick.
"Well, I've been wondering all night whether you want to knot me in this bed or wait until we get Shadis' room to do me in that one?" Levi nuzzled Erwin back but gently took his gland between his teeth. Erwin growled at the almost bite. "I'm not waiting that long to make you mine, it could be a good few weeks before he has a place to go. I'm sure that bed will see enough action when we do get there." Erwin kissed Levi more gently then usual, normally Levi would have been on his back on the desk by that point but they both realised that this was a much more serious thing; after all knotting was primarily to ensure fertilization and implied that the pair were ready for pups and to complete their bond entirely. Levi broke the kiss, "We should probably give old faithful over there the ride of its life before we leave it behind." And with that he climbed off Erwin's lap and started toward their bed knowing full well Erwin would follow him.

It started off similar to every other time; stripping off each other's clothes, kissing, groping, Levi fighting to have control but ending up on his back anyway. But soon enough a heat began to boil inside him that he'd never felt before, it was as if his body knew what was going to happen. Erwin seemed to be feeling something as well because he became more erratic with his thrusts. When Erwin's knot began to swell Levi lost control like when he was in heat, he threw his head back and shouted for Erwin to keep going. It got bigger and bigger until it snagged stopping Erwin instantly. Levi didn't hear or see much of Erwin's moan because he was thrown into his own orgasm but he was sure he heard the start of his name. When Levi regained his senses shortly after Erwin's face was pressed into the side of his neck and he was still involuntarily bucking against the knot. Levi looked down his body and he could see every muscle was flexed and tight. Erwin's grunting slowly came to a stop and his body relaxed but he was mindful of Levi underneath him. He kissed and licked at Levi's throat causing the Omega to moan. He snuffled near Levi's now swollen scent glands and gently bit into it. He kept an eye on Levi to gauge his reaction but when the Omegas eyes crossed a little before shutting he bite harder. Erwin smiled around the gland when he saw Levi's tongue stick out slightly because of the pressure he was applying to such a sensitive spot.

Erwin carefully let go to admire his work. "Shit, Levi!" He said when he caught site of the already bruising mark. His teeth marks were perfectly imprinted into Levi's neck and it was highlighted with a deep purple bruise. "That's going to be massive tomorrow."
"It's supposed to be like that." Levi mumbled, his voice truly shot from moaning.
"How do you know what a fresh bite mark looks like?" Erwin said as he licked at the wound.
"Nifa caught me staring at hers. And at first she was scared that I'd roast her for having it, I don't know why but then I just said I didn't realise it was so pronounced at first and she let me look properly." Levi yawned when he finished. Erwin kissed him deeply before gathering him in his arms. He turned into his back so they were both comfortably tied together. "I didn't realise Nifa had a mate." Erwin said but Levi had already drifted off. He kissed Levi's black crown and covered them up before wrapping Levi in his arms and falling asleep himself.

The Omegan AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang