Read for read one and a half

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Edit: Please ignore the bottom paragraph. I will not delete it because some have commented their read for read options attached to it. The story is staying up and so is my account. You can share here if you please or any of the other parts labeled read for read. If you have time you can read my stories too, or not, it's your choice. I need to inform all of you that I cannot do read for read though personally and I hope none of you are mad at me for this, but I don't have the time. I also can't do dedications and such. I am sorry. Please have a great day.

Okay I am thrilled beyond belief that I can help so many of you out, and you've all created your own little story swapping communities but I might have to take this down guys. No please don't cry *throws candy to appease the masses*. Seriously though, I started uni this fall and I don't how stuff is going to work out and there are many other things going on in my life right now. I just don't even know if I'll keep my wattpad account up. I haven't written literally anything since like March and that was an assignment. I just don't enjoy as much as I used to. Well I just thought I would give you all a warning so you don't freak out if this disappears. Who knows you might not even read this. Please don't hate me.

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