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Here they were, two polar opposite best friends, in a WHOLE new world. "This is wayyyyy too fancy for my taste." Birdie spat. She looked at that Sunbucks in the cafeteria. "Well, look around, they have a coffee shop in the CAFETERIA!!! YOU may be used to it, but I'm definitely not." She huffed. Aqua sighed. "Lighten up, it's only a school! It's got a lot of nice things an-" She was cut off by a boy who tripped over her foot. "Erm..are you okay?" She asked with worry. "Y-yeah! I'm fine, just a klutz." The boy rubbed his head in embarrassment. Birdie looked at him suspiciously. "Who are you, anyway?" "OH!Where are my manners? I'm Noah. It's nice to meet you..." Noah' s voice trailed off, as he realized who these people were. He immediately bowed at Aqua's feet. "I'm really really REALLY sorry, Miss. Please forgive me." He studdered. "What do you mean?" Aqua asked. "W-well, your AquaDragon Takahashi.. right?" He didn't dare look up. "Yup, that's me! But I prefer Aqua." She said, waving the name in dismissal. Birdie knew what the deal was. "Look," she growled. "Aqua here isn't some..brat. she may be rich, but that DOES NOT make her a snob, or princess. Got it?" The look on her eyes were like fire, like Noah had insulted her in some way. "Woah, I'm sorry man! Who are you...?"
   "My name is Birdie, but you'd better off calling me 'Your Majesty'" she spat.  "Y-yes ma'am!" Noah said.
      ~~A/N; I feel sorry for Noah XD so itemdating lol~~
   Noah couldn't be more confused. He only hoped these weirdos were friends, not foes.

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