"Can we go outside and pway" She asked, her eyes bright. I smiled. "Sure why not" I glanced at Emily who nodded. I gave her a sympathetic look and walked outside with Claire now sitting on my back.

"Down down" She squeled. I laughed and set her down on her feet. She took off running, I ran after her, catching as she almost entered the forest. She giggled as I picked her up. I couldn't help but laugh.

I set her back down where a puddle of small rocks got her attention.

I smiled at her.

The wind blew her light brown hair in her face.

I laughed as she tried to get her hair out of her face.

I knelt down and helped her.

She giggled and turned around.


She yelled and ran away. 

I turned around.

Quil came running out of the forest picking up Claire and throwing her up in the air.

I could feel the happiness filling me up.

I ran inside to tell the rest of the imprints. 

They jumped up as I barged through the door.

"They're back" I grinned. 

They all smiled and jumped up.

I ran back outside searching for Seth through all the hugging and kissing.

I felt my heart stop as I spotted him, he smiled and started running to me.

I grinned as I jump into his arms.

I cupped his face in my hands as he held me up.

I pressed my lips to his.

I could feel the fireworks bursting around us.

The butterflies in my stomach.

Our lips moved in sync, everything moved perfectly.

I pulled back.

He grinned as I leaned my forehead against his.

"I promised" He said softly.

I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Yes you did" I whispered, pressing our lips together again.

"Off my sister Clearwater"

We pulled back, Seth put me down.

Sam stood in front of us, glaring at Seth while he held Emily by her waist.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad your okay Sam" I said, he smiled and let go of Emily wrapping me in a hug.

I let him for a second before pulling back. "Now if you don't mind Sam, I would like to spend time with my imprint" I smiled as I grabbed Seth's hand pulling him behind me as I walked away. 

He pulled my back, pulling me into a hug, his arms wrapped around my waist. 

I smiled as he kissed the top of my forehead. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you" He said softly. 

I smiled.

"I love you too" 

I pressed my lips to his.

We kissed for what felt like an eternity.

Everything around me seemed to disappear.

It was only Seth and me.

We pulled back for air. 

His eyes stared into mine.

I laughed and looked down.

"What's so funny?" He asked, a grin on his face. "Oh nothing, I guess I'm just happy" I answered.

"Me too" He kissed my forehead.

"So Renesmee gets to stay?" I asked. He nodded. 

I smiled.

"That's great" I replied.

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hopefully things will be better from here" I said softly.

He grabbed my hands.

"They will, I promise" He responded.

"Don't make a promise you don't know you can keep" I replied.

He smiled and pulled me into another hug.

"Oh I know I can keep this promise" 

He kissed my forehead.

"I promise"

"You make to many promises" I said pulling back and walking to a fallen tree. I sat down. 

He sat down next to me.

"I guess it's a guy thing" He laughed.

I smiled.

"I guess it is" I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Seth Clearwater" I said softly.

"And I love you Chelsea Uley..."



For the next chapter :)

More Than Your Best Friend | Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now