Date With Marcel

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I had walked into school with Nicole and Ally. We all laughed and Marcel's friends had pulled me away and talked to me.

"I'm so excited for you and Marcel to go out on your date." Delaney talked with such enthusiasm. She really liked the idea of Me and Marcel going out going out.

"Are you excited? You should be I know I would be!" Jai said with excitement. Jai was popular but he was gay so he would get pushed around a lot.

"Yeah I'm so excited! I can't wait to see him tonight. Speaking of Marcel, where is he?" I was so worried about him. I didn't want him to stress out about this date.

"I don't know. I think he's at home." David said. David doesn't care about anything. Literally.

"Oh.. okay." I was annoyed at the fact that I had to go through a whole school day and wait till 7:30.

~ Last Period ~

"Okay David, what is the square root 33?" Mr. White snapped me out of my thoughts of Marcel. 

"5.74456264654." David said with confidence. I looked at him and he shrugged. David never took anything seriously.


I ran to the bus and hopped into my seat. Nicole and Ally stared at me weirdly.

"What? Is everything okay?" I looked at them in confusion.

"Me and Nicole are gonna help you get ready for your date." Ally was smiling ear to ear. She was as excited as I was.

"Um okay but going out to eat. You also need to pick a outfit."

"No problem. Me and Nicole are experts on fashion."

~ At Jenny's House~

"Okay so I'm gonna to do your hair and Ally is gonna pick out an outfit."

"Jenny do you want your hair straightened or curled?"

"Well curled because I wanna wear a beanie."

"Ally could you pick out my Batman shirt and any kind of skinny jean, a beanie and any type of shoes?"

"Sure. No problem."

Ally walked into my closet and started looking through them. Nicole pulled out her IPod and turned on 5SOS. We all start to scream sing their songs, Nicole turned on the iron and walked over to my closet. After about 5 minutes of waiting for my hair to be curled Nicole finally started. Nicole turned down the music and started to talk.

"So.. you and Marcel huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you and Marcel are going on a date tonight. Is there gonna be anything going on between you two?"

"No.. well yes. Well I don't know."

"Do you like him?"


"Does this look good?"

Ally pulled up a Batman shirt, gray skinny jeans,white converse and a dark red beanie. I nodded my head and she placed it on my bed. Nicole finished the last piece of hair and turned off the iron.

"Thanks you guys for all the help. But one thing.. could you step out so I could dress myself?"

"Sure okay yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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