Chapter 1 *Cancel That*

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"Fog?! Pull over right now, Kemie!! I demand you too!! Caile, hurry up!! We need to go help my Kemie!!", Merlin was over exaggerating again.

"Caile, can you keep him safe? And don't let him come, I'll be fine. I will call, when I get home".

"I sure will, Kem. It will be difficult doing that task, but I will win. And I will tell him, goodbye".

"Bye", I quickly hung up my phone. Before setting it down on the cup holder that's below the radio, and a/c control. Okay, I probably need another hour on the road until I finally get there. Patience isn't me, but this time I gotta do it. Unless I want to be stuck here for awhile...No. I will not do that.

Bright red and blue lights flashed from behind me, this is just great! That police siren sung its song mocking me, and hissing that I'm gonna get it now. Was I speeding? I guess there is one way to find out. Without hesitating, I pulled over to the side of the road smoothly. Then I put my hands on the wheel, it didn't take him long to approach me.

He had on a dark blue button-up shirt tucked into his dark blue kahki pants. A police badge was on the left side of his chest. His light brown eyes starred at me in wonder, his jet black hair was put up into spikes. He didn't look an age over thirty, probably a beginner. Rookie of some sort. "Do you know why you were pulled over?", here it goes.

"No, officer. But I will take any punishment for the law, I accidentally broke", I spoke truthfully. He barked out in laughter, what is going on?

"You're alright, kid. Maybe you want to follow me over to Fells' Dinner. Because this fog can cause many wrecks, I'd hate for you to be one of them", how thoughtful?

"Thanks, officer", he nodded. Spun around on his heels, waltzed over to his police car. Got in, drove in front of me. I started my engine, and followed him. Other than him pulling me over, he looked rather very familar. Where, though? He reminds me of someone.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we were already here. There was no mist here but all around it, wierd.

Many teenagers were hanging out in the parking-lot just chatting. Others were sitting in the Diner getting cozy with their boyfriend/girlfriend. About three females and males skated around the parking-lot giving out orders. The girls wore a bright silver button-up shirt, with black knee-length skirts, and had white ribbons either tied into a bow. In their hair, or wrists.

Now the males wore black silky button-up shorts, light gray pants, and there was a white and black tie placed loosely around their necks. Never would I have expected that. Oh well.

Fells' Diner was painted a dark black color, with japenese colored creamy white fishes. The name was in bright gray colors flashing to a hot pink. Nothing from the outside could compare to the inside, I shutted off the engine. And got out of my black Dodge Challenger SRT8 that has dark blue flames, with creamy white tips at its ends. I slammed the car door shut behind me, and waltzed over towards the entrance of the Diner.

Many of them were starring at me, I just shrugged off their annoying nosy-stares. Damn teens. One of the female workers stepped aside, and I knew that she was checking me out. I smirked at her, but never looked her way again.

In the inside all of the booths had red comfy seats, and the tables in the middle were pitched black, the tiles were a mixture of white and gray. There was red streamers hanging from off of the hot pink cieling, and I could see that there was some sort of black cursive letter quote up there. It says "Others can treat us terribly, but we're not like them. Those monsters, who want to decieve others. We'll be not most confident, but ri-"Hey, man!!", hearing that familiar deep musciline voice. I jerked my head to the left to see none other than Joseph himself.

~Alpha Blind My Emotions (BoyxBoy) *Needs Major Work*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin