Chapter 1- Off to England

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Chapter 1- Off to England

Teagan's POV-

"Teagan!!!! You lazy sack of shit, get your ass out of bed!!" Yep, what a lovely wake up call.

"I'll be down in a sec mom!!" I screamed back. I rolled out of bed and hit the floor. Man I am just not a morning person at all. They are probably the worst things EVER!!!

After a couple of minutes of laying on the floor I finally got up, but only to lay back down next to my heater! After about 20 minutes of that I heard another, "Teagan, if your fat lazy ass isn't out of bed I swear to god you are not going to England!!"

I couldn't not go and knowing my mom she wasn't lying. "Ya mom, I'm just brushing my teeth." I quickly lied as I got off the floor to start getting ready. God, deciding on your outfit in the morning is one of the hardest decisions in life. Let's see, I'll be on a plane for like 8-12 hours so I should probably find something comfy. Leggings with my volleyball jumper and my blue toms. Ya I'm not one for dressing nicely if I'm not doing anything all day.

Once I found what I was going to wear I plugged my iPhone into my speakers and blasted Luke Bryan's Shake It (Country Girl) and jumped in the shower. I heard a fait, "Teagan Arabella Johnson, turn that damn music down right fucking now!!!" Ehhhhh, if she wants the music down then she can come up and turn it down herself.

Once I was done in the shower, I hoped out and thew on my leggings and jumper. I decided that since I was going to be out in public that I should put in some light make-up. I put on some foundation, light mascara, and I was going to put eyeliner on but my blue eyes stand out already so I decided not to.

I looked in the mirror and I look half descent today. I grabbed my bags and practically fell down the stairs trying to get my bags downstairs. "Uggghhhhhhh" I sighed.

"Ohhhhh hush hush dear, grunting isn't for ladies," my mom said in a hushed tone. My mom was for the whole be lady even though she cussed her ass off.

"And neither is cursing!" I retorted back to her. "And why are you practically wispering??"

"Ummmm not sure...anyways we need to leave in 5 minutes if we want to make it to the airport in time for you to check in." She said now I a regular voice.

"Ok we'll leave right after I eat breakfast. Can you load my shit into the car for me?" I asked.

"Sure, no problem honey. Are these all your bags?" I nodded and went to go find something yummy to eat.

"Hmmmmmm......let's takes to long......ok well chocolate muffin it is." Food is the only good thing about mornings. I absolutely love food, I could eat it for days. Luckily I have a really high metabolism so I can eat for days.

"Honey we need to leave now!!" My mom screamed from the car. I quickly shoved half or my muff in my mouth, gulped down some water and gabbed my bag running out to the car.


We finally arrived at the airport. "Ohhhh honey I'm sorry I can't walk you in. I have to get to work, but have so much fun in England. And are you sure you have enough money??" She rambled.

"Okay, whatever it's fine. And yea I do have enough money, I'll be fine." I sighed back. I really wanted my mom to walk me in. Ya I know most girls hate it when their parents walk them in but if my mom ever did, maybe I might think that she actually cares just a little bit.

"Okay then, bye have fun!" Waved, she didn't even hug me or kiss me, she just waved.

"Bye mom, I love you!"

"Bye." No i love you too, nope just bye. I hoped out of the car with a sigh and grabbed by bags for the back of the car and made my way to meet my class. Right as I walked in the doors I scanned the place and saw Austin waving me over to where the class was. I started stumbling over there with my bags, but luckily Austin so me struggling so he came over to help me out. Unfortunately he was laughing at me, what an amazing friend.

"Shut the fuck up!! I'm not strong at all!!" I practically yelled at him.

"Hey hey hey, no need to get your knickers in a bunch!" He retorted back.

"Just help me!"

"Anything for you my dear!!" He said back in a posh accent. "Would you like champagne with that??"

"Ohhh hahaha your just so funny!" We walked over to the class and I got checked in all.


We finally got on the plane after 3 hours of waiting line and walking to our terminal. "I can't believe we are going to England!!" I sang to Austin.

"I know we are going to have a blast! I just wish that Danielle could have came too." He said in sad tone.

"Ya me too. But remember we can't dwell on the negative we have to think of the postitive. Danielle would want us to have a good time ok?"

"Ya I guess so.....well it's going to be long long flight so let's get some rest.

"Good idea!" I let my mind wander to all the great things that we were going to do in England, and eventually I fell into a deep slumber.


I felt someone hitting my are and calling, "Teagan, wake up, Teagan, we're here." I finally regained metal stability and opened my eyes.

"What?? We are?? I must have also the entire way." Wow I can't believe I slept the whole 12 hours.

"Ya you were out cold, you didn't even wake up when the food cart came around." Austin replied in a kinda giddy tone.

I grabbed all my stuff and Austin and I headed off the plane. We found our te hers and chaperones waiting for us at the gate.

"Ok well we will be driving to the hotel and since it's around midnight we want you all to stay in your rooms and get some sleep." Mr. Brant said in an ever so boring tone. Imagine 2 hours with home everyday lecturing us about history. "We will give....." Blah blah blah was all I was hearing.


We finally got up too ours rooms and I got paired with Blair Bass. She was a reasonable girl, but had the personality of cardboard, like imagine Bella from Twilight but like 100 times

Worse. I was really hoping that I would get paired with Austin but I new that wasn't going to happen.

" stay on your half of the room and I'll stay on my half and don't stuff any of my stuff." She sneered. Wow, what a bitch.

"Ya ok no problem."

"Ok well I'm going to bed." Wow she really is a bitch. Jeeze how did they expect me too sleep after a 12 hour flight, which I slept the entire way. I could sneak out see some of England?? Sounds like a plan!

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