I walked in and Ronnie, the radio guy, smiled at me.

"Hayley! Glad to see you!" He said, shaking my hand.

"Thank you!" I said. "I'm happy to be here."

I sat down in the swivel chair, waiting. A few minutes later he introduced me to the radio.

"I'm here with Hayley Williams everybody."

I smiled.

"She's gonna talk about a few things, so get ready."

I laughed. "I'm not ready." I said, jokingly.

"We're gonna ask you the worst questions." He joked.

We both laughed.

"Ok so Hayley, you have a new record coming out, correct?"

"Yes, it's out April... ninth." I almost forgot the date.

"Great! You already released Now. What's next?"

"Well if I told you I'd have to kill you, Ron."

"Ooh Hayley's got a secret."

"Top secret." I said, laughed.

The radioshow went fine, for a while. Until it got serious.

"So Hayley, any love life?" He asked.

I giggled. "Love life?"

"Any boyfriend?" He asked, smirking.

"Uh no actually." I answered. Sadly I was alone.

"You all heard it, Hayley's available."

"Don't give them any ideas!" I said, smiling.

He smiled and said a few things about his wife.

"So Hayley," He started. "You and Fall Out Boy?"

I shook my head, confused. "What?"

"Pete Wentz said you would sing with them on their new album."

I bit my lip. Jeremy answered for me! Ugh..

"Um it's not confirmed."

"Pete Wentz put it on the website." Ronnie said.

I groaned quietly to myself. "Okay. Then I guess."

"Cool. Anyways..."

After the show I walked back down the hall and to past the desk.

"Leaving?" She asked. I nodded.

"See you later." I said, pushing open the front doors.

I walked down the sidewalk, past a Starbucks and a Hot topic. Normally I'd go there but I was a little mad at Jeremy at the moment. I kept walking until somebody bumped into me.

"Oh sorry!" a man's voice said.

"I-it's okay." I said, turning around.

"It was my fault." He said.

It was Patrick Stump!

"Oh no it's ok I wasn't paying attention."

He sighed. "I'm Patrick."

"I'm Hayley..."

He smirked. "Williams?"

I nodded. "Stump?" He laughed and nodded.

"So I'm making a song with you, eh?" I asked.

"That's what Pete told me."

I nodded. Maybe Jeremy did a good thing. This might be fun.

"Yeah." I said. Patrick shuffled.

"So where you heading?" He asked, hesitant.

"Uh just home. Why?" I told him.

He looked at his feet. "Since we're gonna collab, wanna get coffee?"

I smiled "Sure. Starbucks?"

"What else?" He said, laughing. I shrugged and followed him.

He pushed open the doors for me. "Go ahead." I smiled and walked in, and he followed behind. A group of people came.

"Hayley! Hayley!"

"Patrick! Over here!"

"Are they on a date?!"

I laughed and looked at Patrick.

"Let's skip coffee." I said. "Pizza?"

"Deal." Patrick grinned.

We walked out, with Patrick shielding me from cameras. We arrived at a Papa John's.

"I'll order." Patrick said. "Pepperoni?"

"And extra cheese."

"Sounds good."

I smiled as he walked in, and I waited in the cab. He was kinda cute.

Wait what. No he isn't.... But he is. Ugh I'm confused. He is but I don't feel that way about him. Or do I?

My head spun as Patrick came back. He handed me the pizza, his hand brushed against mine. His touch sent chills.

Yep I'm definitely crushing.

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