17/ hooked on a feeling

Start from the beginning

     "Too bad. I live here."

     "But I'm the guest."

     "Who cares?" I sigh in frustration, standing up from my seat and standing in front of the screen, blocking his view. "Move," he mutters, glaring at me a little bit. He is trying to act all tough and intimidating, but I just think it's cute.

    "Okay, I'll make a deal with you," I say, causing him to roll his eyes. "You come outside with me for an hour, a measly little hour, and then we'll watch TV the rest of the day, and maybe even order a pizza." I raise my eyebrows as he tries to decide. Finally, he sighs in defeat and gets up off the chair, shutting the show off with a click of the remote.

     "One hour, and that's it," he says. "And when we come back inside, you are going to cuddle with me." I lower my eyebrows at his odd request, but agree nonetheless. Getting close to another person, especially an extremely hot person, will never be something that I have a problem with.


     "Then Andy flipped the wheeler over, and he ended up with a huge scar on his elbow."

     So, we ended up grabbing a few ice cream cones from Dairy Queen, then we started to walk around in the woods behind Jason's house. For about forty-five minutes, we've been telling each other stories about ourselves. Some of his have his sisters in them, and some of them have this other guy, Andrew, who is Jason's best friend. Apparently Andrew is a bit of a troublemaker.

     "Yeah, right," I reply, not believing that someone could flip a three wheeler over and make it out with only a scar.

     "It's true," he responds, finishing off his ice cream cone. "When you meet him, ask him to show you the scar." I furrow my eyebrows.

    "When I meet him?" I question, wondering what he meant by that. He realizes what he just says and laughs nervously.

     "Right." He shakes his head a little. "My birthday is in a few days, and I was hoping you would come to the party." I raise my eyebrows, shrugging, as I lean down to the ground and pluck out a tall piece of grass. "Andrew's going to be there. And some other friends of mine."

     "Um...I'm not exactly a party person, Jason." I reach out with my hand and brush the tall piece of grass against his neck. He swats at it with his hand, thinking that it's a bug or something. He doesn't get time to see that it's me who's doing it.

     "That's okay," he replies. "It's a costume party, so you can wear whatever you want." I ignore how strange I find it that he would have a costume party in the middle of June.

     "Hmm, whatever I want," I say, and rub my chin as if I'm deep in thought. "You will most likely regret giving me that information." He laughs in response, which gives me a tingly feeling in my chest. I look away from him, trying to rid myself of this feeling, but it doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. "Who are you going as?" I ask.

     "I'm not sure yet. But I know that Haley is going as Harley Quinn." I nod a little and glance at the ground as we keep walking through the woods. Suddenly, my mind wanders to those videos I watched last night, and I instantly feel a pang of sadness in my stomach. I have tried my best to shove them to the very back of my mind so I could enjoy this day, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore.

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