Chapter 2 : present day

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Today was the first day of year 11 and Harry and I haven't seen each other all holidays since I was in London visiting family for the whole holidays, which was fun but I was really missing Harry and my other friends, but mainly Harry.

I was all ready to go and Harry was waiting for me out the front, to walk to school. "BYE MUM!" I shouted to my mum from the front of the house "Bye Bec, have a nice day" she said, bec is what everyone calls me instead of Rebecca. I opened the front door "hey" I said to Harry giving him a hug "hey, how was London?" He asked letting go from the hug "really good actually" I said, we begun to walk to school "so what's this 'important' thing you wanted to tell me?" I asked with a giggle, last night Harry texted me telling me that he had something important to tell me which got me really excited because I have something really important to tell Harry, I like him. It took me along time in the holidays to think of how I should tell Harry how I truly feel about him. And when I got that text from Harry saying that he has something important to tell me I thought that this would be the perfect time to tell him, what I've wanted to tell him for quite a while now. "Ok, well you know Hailey?" He asked "of course I know her!" I said, Hailey has been Harry's crush since year 7 and he's never gotten over her, even though she's in a serious relationship with a guy called Brandon, "so what about her?" I said and I was kind of nervous about what he'll say, " well in the holidays Hailey caught Brandon cheating on her" he said a bit excitedly "and??" I questioned "well... I thought it was a good chance to step in and ask her out" he said blushing, OK now I'm pissed! We were now a block away from school "let me guess she said no" I said with a laugh "NOPE! She said yes" he squealed, I felt sick inside but I put on an act because I was happy for him, he is my best friend but at the same time I was disappointed that he didn't like me back, at least I know now and I can go back to liking Mike, Mike is the football team and I've had a crush on him since year 6. "that's great!" I said then I added "I'm so happy for you!" Giving him a hug "thanks" he said we both released from the hug "oh and guess what I heard?" He asked "I don't know, TELL ME?" I asked "Mike is single" he said "OMG really?? Do you think I might have a chance with him" I said as we entered the gates "I think so" he nodded. I was now really happy, Mike is single. But I still like Harry only a bit though. We then walked to our classes and said I we would meet up at lunch.

---------------------skip to lunch---------

I sat at our usual table with my friends, Layla, Jane, josh and Eliza, Jane and josh were sitting in front of me and I was in between Eliza and Layla, we were waiting for cal, Harry and Hailey to come. "How do you feel about Harry and Hailey, Bec?" Jane asked, everyone leaned in, I told my friends about me liking Harry and so far they've kept a secret, "I'm happy for him but I'm a bit sad about it at the same time" I said looking down "well look on the bright side, mike is available" Layla said everyone nodded and leaned back to where they were before "true" I said. Then josh said "ok don't look now but mike is checking you out" he said with a bit of excitement "really?" I blushed, him and Jane both nodded yes, I then turned my head around in sync with Eliza and Layla, he kept looking back at my table while talking to some of his friends. Jane then whacked my hand "ouch" I said turning back "he said don't look!!!" Jane whispered, Layla's head was still turned around, she then turned back "PEOPLE he is making his way here" she exclaimed "how do I look?" I asked looking at everyone "goals AF" Eliza said with a laugh which made everyone laugh but then mike walked over "hey, Bec" he said, I was trying to catch my breath from all that laughter "uh, hey" I said with a smile "so are you doing anything tonight?" He asked shyly "I don't think so, why?" I asked with a smirk "I was thinking we could go out and watch a movie?" He said "sure, pick me up at 7" I said then me and my friends stood up from the table "bye mike" I said and we left the table, while we were walking to our lockers I said "how was that?" I said "I think you guys are going to DATE!!" Eliza squealed "who's going to date?" Someone asked we all turned around. It was cal, Harry and Hailey "mike and Rebecca" Jane said "gee, cal get with the program" Layla teased "oh cool, Bec" he said "when are you guys going out?" Harry asked "today at 7" I said excitedly, I then added "oh, hey Hailey" she seemed a bit shy "hi" she said "damn class is about to start, I'll see you guys later" josh said walking to his next class "same I think your in my next class Hailey, let's go" Layla said they both walked off. Then everyone left to go to class, it was just Harry and I, we had a free period "do you want to go to the library?" Harry asked "let's" I said.

We walked to the library, there were quite a few people there, we went to the far back where we usually go, we went to go sit on the table behind all the rows of books, he opened up his laptop and started editing something "what are you doing?" I asked looking at his screen, there was a video of him playing Fifa that he was editing "editing a YouTube video" he said simply "I forgot you did that, how's it going" I asked "really great I've nearly gotten 2.5 million subs"
He said "that's good" I said we continued to talk about stuff.

The rang later for home time and Harry and walked home together, we out the front of my house "good luck on your date" he said giving me a wink "thanks" I giggled "bye, Harry" i said walking up to my front door "see ya" he then crossed the road to his house.

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