Chapter 3: The Death Star

Start from the beginning

"No, there isn't," said Han.

"See?" asked Jon. "There's more than enough room for me, you, Chewie, Luke, Ben and even the droids to hide in those compartments."

"Right. Why didn't I think of that?" said Han. "Jon, you're a genius."

"Thanks, Dad," said Jon.

"But before we go through with your plan, there's something I need to do," said Han. He ran down the hall. Several minutes later, he returned.

"What did you do?" asked Jon.

"I wrote an entry in the captain's log saying we'd abandoned ship right after take-off," explained Han. "I also jettisoned all the escape pods."

"Good thinking, Dad," said Jon.

"Listen up," Han addressed Chewie, Luke, Ben and the droids. "Here's the plan. Jon came up with this brilliant idea for us to hide in the secret compartments under the floor." Han removed the coverings from two of the compartments. He, Jon, Chewie and Luke hid in one of them. Ben, R2 and 3-PO hid in the other. Han pulled the cover back over the compartment. Seconds later, he heard the other compartment being closed, too.

"Jon, you are not to make a sound," Han whispered. "And that goes for you guys as well," he told Chewie and Luke. "Have all three of you got that?" Jon, Luke and Chewie all simultaneously nodded in understanding. Jon could hear footsteps above him. He was afraid to breathe. His heart was pounding in his chest. He sure hoped that the Stormtroopers, or whoever was inspecting the Falcon wouldn't be able to hear it. He shut eyes tightly. Jon then became aware of a pair of hands on his shoulders. He instinctively knew they were his father's hands.

"Open your eyes, Jon," Han whispered comfortingly. "Let me see your eyes." Reacting instantly to the sound of Han's voice,  Jon did as he was told. He opened his eyes. Even in the darkness of the smuggling hold, Jon could clearly make out Han's eyes. Both pairs of hazel stared intently at each other. The son's were full of fear. The father's displayed a kind of easygoing confidence and surety that Jon wanted nothing more than to emulate. But Han Solo's eyes also held another quality. They were full of kindness, compassion and understanding. For Han Solo was a man who deeply loved his son. Jon deeply loved his  father as well. And the younger Solo always wished more people knew just how great a man his father truly was.

Unbeknownst to either father or son, Luke Skywalker was just starting to realize this. When he first met Han, Luke took him to be a fast-talking conman who had no moral obligations to anyone. But then Luke met Jon. And this boy was just so cute, friendly and charming. Also, despite being only ten-years-old, Jon already displayed a kind of wisdom and compassion that was way beyond his years. Reflecting on what he had already seen of Han and Jon's relationship, Luke realized that Han was by no means the perfect father. But he was totally devoted to his son.  And Jon, in turn, absolutely worshiped his father. Perhaps Han Solo really did have a heart after all. An odd feeling came over Luke just then. He wouldn't have called it jealousy, exactly. Or even envy. It was more of an intense longing to have had that sort of loving relationship with his own father. Of course, Luke obviously knew that would never happen. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would have been like if Anakin Skywalker were still alive.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now