A beautiful surprise

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*Ethan's POV*
"WAKE UP! DUUUDE WAKE UP WE'RE FUCKING 17 TODAY" Grayson shouted in my ear while jumping up and down on my bed

"Are you on drugs?" I replied with my eyes still closed

"No but we can do that..we can do ANYTHING we want" i finally gave in and opened my eyelids

"If you shout in my ear once more maybe i'll do you" i sat on the side of my bed and once my brain started functioning i got off the bed and we both headed downstairs where our family, friends and a huge cake was waiting for us.

Once i got over my shock i stepped closer to hug them starting with my mom who was expectedly sobbing but what really caught my eye was my best friend, Alexis. To be honest she has caught my eye a long time ago but right now she didn't look much of her herself.

Her hair was down in curls instead of its straight shape usually held up in a ponytail and her big blue eyes were shining brighter than most times because she was wipping. She pulled away from the hug while i sat there frozen

"happy birthday goofball you're now 17" she said smiling

"aaww are those tears ?"

"maybe yes or maybe not" she was also wearing a light shade of lipstick...what's going on?

"Eth why are you acting all weird? Say i look weird and i swear i'll punch you in the stomach" a little laugh escaped my mouth

"No you look perfect...i'm just not used to seeing you like this" a smile softened her features

"well you shouldn't..its just for the day" it was gonna be a long day and i'm happy knowing that

"i can already see you scorring with those on" i said pointing out her average size heels..i really like teasing her

"oookay birthday boy i'll take that but remember that i won't show you any mercy tomorrow..i've already won right Gray?"

That wouldn't be unexpected at all actually as weird as it might sound..her and Grayson's soccer team has won mine and Nate's many times and it's not just because Grayson is better than me..that girl can score

"Sorry Eth we're gonna kick your ass" said Gray playfully holding Alex's tiny waist

"well at least i've got Nate" i practically jumped at him and he shouted happy birthday just the way Gray did half an hour ago

"Haa gay"

"Did you look in the mirror?" I said mimicking her previews tone

"Oh god Eth stop being so mature" she started laughing with that adorable laugh that i didn't want to stop hearing

"i will" i say"but after i do this" i put my hands in the cake and throw some in her face and she did the same to me forcefully

"such a baby..sorry for ruining your game but i have to eat this" she brought two fingers with full of cake in her mouth while looking at me in a sinful way and made a pop sound as she took them out to which i responded by laughing it off but really my thoughts were way too dirty. She looked at me and as if she knew my thoughts she broke the silence.

"So what are you wearing at your party? I've already helped Gray with his outfit" what am i gonna wear?

"You know i don't need your help to look good but if you're begging me.." a sigh escaped her lips

"i wouldn't beg for dear life hun i just know you need me" and the teasing goes on..

"we'll have to see that" i said "tonight. At 11" aaand i'm gonna look like shit

"okay then we'll leave you guys to rest now because there's no sleeping today" she said standing by the door with Nate next to her.

The four of us hugged each other again and soon me and Gray were on our own again.

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