Chapter 1 : Goddammit

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"Thanks so much you guys! I love you! I hope you all had a blast because I certainly did. See you guys at the signing!"

She ran backstage where she was greeted by her manager. "I must say, great job Demi, but you were a bit pitchy on the tone. Take it more seriously during mic checks will you?" She nodded quickly,"Y-Yes sir. I'll try harder." He chuckled,"Oh, I know you will. Especially since I'm in charge of you, yes?" She nodded again and mumbled,"Yes." He smirked,"Very well then. Go on, you have a signing to do don't you?" Without replying, she speeded away, down the corridors, until she met a block of screaming fans pounding at between the walls. She put on a fake smile and waved to some individual fans.

As she took a seat behind the table, she held her head with her left hand, just as she was about to fall. That was a close one. She took a small sip from the water bottle sitting just a couple inches away. Once she had set down the bottle, fans began crowding in on her as her body guard began pushing some of the girls and boys back to the line. Everything was so loud. She thought she'd be used to it by now but it's just gotten worse somehow. Her head was pounding. Thump, thump, thump. As if her brain was colliding into the rigid layer of the skull. With one swift movement, she fell onto the floor, hitting the cold and filthy concrete. With a team of people running to her side, they all spoke as once. Everything was such a blur.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She spoke, roughly grabbing onto the table and taking her rightful place on the seat. She motioned the first person in line as they began to shyly walk up to her, and by the looks of their face, they were trying to hold back their excitement. "Hi!" The little girl squeaked. Demi smiled,"Hi there, what's your name?" "Mia!" The little girl said with much of her excitement dripping out. "I love that name," she replied, signing the photo she received,"Thank you for coming." Mia smiled and nodded,"Thank you. I love you so much!" Demi laughed softly,"I love you too sweetheart." From then on, Demi greeted another 300 fans before finally being able to return home and snuggle with her pillow.


Scooter rushed into the studio, slamming the magazine onto the glass table beside Justin. "What the hell man?!" Justin glanced at the article written about him and rolled his eyes. This was ridiculous. Every single week, the paparazzi would have some random picture of him and TMZ would make up stupid sorties that he knew everyone listened to. He focused his eyes on the blank screen, it was intriguing to him, but he never understood why. Scooter sighed,"Why? You know it's not healthy." "I haven't," he said silently. "Explain the pictures then." Justin scoffed,"It's freaking paparazzi, barely anything that they catch is real." Scooter patted his shoulder,"You lyin' to me Bieber?" He shook his head,"Nah," but he was.

He may or may not have tried it once or twice with Maejor Ali and some other guys. Scooter would kill him if he knew, which is another reason why he kept it to himself.

He wanted a break, from the fans, from the paparazzi, from the media, from every f-cking thing that's taken over his life. He wanted control over himself. He didn't want to be this social puppet who's strings would get worn out so he'd just fall. He quickly grabbed his leather jacket from the rack and strolled out to the park, taking his seat in the secluded area.

"Before I fall,

Too fast,

Kiss me quick,

But make it last.

So I can see how badly this will hurt me,

When you say goodbye."

He knew who that voice belonged to. His ex-girlfriend'a best friend, the one and only Demi Lovato. What was she doing here? He stood up from the bench, spotting Demi sitting on a long branch with her feet crossed over. He walked around quietly, trying not to catch her attention as he climbed up the tree. With one slip of he hand, he fell with a loud thud. Hearing a gasp, he quickly shut his eyes and stayed completely still. The rattle of leaves beside him were spread away as she kneeled down onto the grass. A soft hand caressed his face as she shook him softly. "Justin?" She tried one more time, but it was no use. She pulled out her phone clicking 911. But just as she began reporting this emergency, he opened his eyes.


Her eyes widened as she heard voices coming from the phone. "Miss? Are you there?" She quickly responded,"Yes, I'm here. False alarm, sorry...." she mumbled,"Please don't sue me, bye!" Once she hung up the phone, she smacked Justin on the shoulder,"What's your problem man! I though you passed out." With an amused look on his face, he pushed himself off of the ground,"Please don't sue me?" She groaned,"Hey, the last thing I need is going to court okay? What are you doing out here at midnight anyway?" He shrugged,"Needed some air. What about you?" She sighed,"This is my place to think. C'mon," she said while placing both of her hands out for him to take.

Demi slowly climbed up the tree making sure not to cause an incident and crawled to the middle of the branch. As she watched Justin, he purposely slipped his foot out of place,"Goddammit!" She panicked,"Are you alright?!" He laughed,"Just kidding." She stuck out her middle finger,"Stop that." After another few minutes, Justin slowly walked to her side, plopping down on the branch. "Hey!" She squealed,"You might just break this branch." He raised an eyebrow,"Are you calling me fat?" She stuck out her tongue,"Sure am."

As silent moments passed, he started feeling uncomfortable and she could notice. "Uhm, so how's Selena, Justin?" He played with his fingers,"W-We broke up a few weeks ago.." "What?!" He chuckled slightly,"Yeah..I thought Selena would have told you by now." She shook her head,"Haven't spoken to her in months.." A quiet 'Oh' left his mouth. "So how has everything been for you? All the fans, paparazzi, tabloids..." She kicked her feet back and forth beneath the branch,"They're okay..but I just wished they would lay off sometimes. I don't want to be followed or get my picture taken every place I go. But enough about me, what about you JB?" "Same..I want a break." She nodded, she knew how he felt. "Alright, JB, it was nice talking to you, but my moms gonna kill me when I get home. I gotta run, see you around?" A smile broke out on his face,"S-Sure. See you around."

She hopped off of the branch and fell right on her ankle. "Ouch. Ouch." Justin quickly scurried down the tree, and hurried to her side. "Are you okay?! Oh my god. SOMEBODY HELP," he screamed. Just then, a hand slapped over his mouth,"Just kidding." He glared at her playfully,"Dammit Demi..." He extended his arm and a dramatic look washed over his face,"I think Id have a heart atta-a-a-ack." Demi let out her obnoxious laugh, pushing him back,"Shut up." He chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck, "C-Can I have your number? This"

She smiled at his awkwardness,"Give me your phone." She put in the digits of her number and handed him his phone back. "Bye Justin. See you in three days." "Three days?" She laughed,"The charity event?" He mentally slapped himself,"Right! See you there."


Sorry it's really boring right now. xx

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