An hour later

There was a loud knock at the door. Faith stood and looked through the peep hole to see Buffy standing with her arms crossed impatiently. "Faith, it's me. Where's Willow?" Faith opened the door slowly and cautiously. Buffy stepped inside the room and rushed to Willow's side. The witch hadn't woken up in the past hour and didn't stir now. "Will? What's wrong with her?" She turned to Faith.

Faith went on to explain the whole story. Buffy stroked Willow's hair back from her face. Willow shivered and her eyes slowly opened. "Tara?" She whispered hoarsely.

"No Will, it's me, Buffy." Buffy held her friends handed.

"F-Faith?" Willow asked.

"I'm over here Red." Faith assured her.

Willow smiled a little dazed and laid back

"I think she has hypothermia." Buffy frowned.

Faith nodded. "I lost her once. It was only for a minute or so but she wasn't breathing. I had to perform CPR."

"Sh-She died? You saved her?" Buffy looked up, keeping one hand on Willow's.

"Yeah, I guess. It's no big." Faith shrugged.

Buffy looked back to Willow who was murmured incoherently under her breath. "Will, what is it?"

"Tara baby.." Willow whispered.

"Tara's gone Willow."

"No.." Willow murmured "No, she's here." She shook her head, her eyes cloudy.

"Shh.. Red, go to sleep. We're gonna get you home." Willow obliged and closed her eyes. Buffy gently lifted up her friend and brought her to the car. Faith sat next to Willow in the back seat while Buffy drove.

"You think she was possessed or something?" Buffy asked looking at Faith in the mirror.

"Her eyes were kinda glowing gold ya know? I think it was a demon using her emotions against herself." Faith watched the redhead as she slept restlessly.

"So you slammed her head against the window?" Buffy's voice was almost as cold as Willow's skin.

"Look, B, she was gonna kill bs both! I had to do somethin'!" Faith exclaimed, causing Williw to stir. "Shh.. Go back to sleep." She whispered.


"Yeah B."

"Are you.. The way you talk to Willow.. It reminds me of.." Buffy started.

"Reminds you of what?"

"Reminds me of the way Spike talks to me."

"And Spike is..?"

"Spike is a vampire. With a soul. He's kind of.. in love with me."

"So he's like Angel?"

"No- that's not the point. The point is, he loves me. And when you talk to Will.." Buffy awkwardly trailed off.

"You think I'm in love with Red?!"

"I just-" Buffy started.

"You've got the wrong idea! No way in hell!" Faith's face was bright red.

"Okay, oka-"

"I mean, it's just ridiculous! If I was in love with Red wouldn't I-"

"Faith! It's fine. I believe you." Buffy assured her.

"But maybe.." Faith murmured.


"Maybe I could."

"Could love her?"




"If you hurt her I will rip your heart out."


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