Kawaii~Chan x Zane

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(Authors POV)
Kawaii-Chan was in the cafey (or what aver it's called I can't spell that well)and she had to deliver some cupcake to Zane she walks to Zane house she ringed the bell "coming ugh" he open the door "hi Zane-kun her is your cupcake all 10 of them" she giggled "you mean 11" he said with a smirked "wha-" Zane grabbed Kawaii-Chan and he put the cupcakes on the table(3 some XD) and took Kawaii-Chan to his room "Zane-kun w-what are you d-doing" Zane pined her on the bed"Zane-"Zane kissed her she melted in the kiss and kiss back and pot her arms around his neck Zane pull her skirt and underwear "Zane-kun" she said then he pets her(if you pet a me'fea the get heated)she moned Zane took of his pantes and boxes (that's the only lite he gets ToT) he put his member at her womanhood "Zane-kun" she said to tell him to do it he throused in"Nye~ "he lat her get use to it she nodes and he moves he throused in then out"Nye~"(oh and they stopped kissing a long time ago)" Zane-kun faster"Kawaii-Chan said Zane did as she said and he wint in a unhumen speed and she moaned his name"Kawaii-Chan is going to cum"(why is that close to cun) Kawaii-Chan said"me to"he throused a little bit more and they came at the same time and Zane sat next to her "hey you want some cupcakes" Zane said

Sorry it it short like Aphmau jk but I will do the other one oh and this was commented by fmora_orte26 so I'm doing a nother one hahaha and leave a comment of a ship or a MPC so bye

Vix out peace

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