Big Brother Love Part 2

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HS: we  should work together to make sure we don't fight   over anything while she is recovering

JM:I agree with you 100 percent. Harry look the nurse just walked in.

Nurse Zoe : How is  she doing?

JM:Great!  She is not  feeling dizzy anymore. She still has a fever but it is not that bad anymore.

Nurse Zoe: how long has she been asleep

HS:  For about 30 minutes?

Nurse Zoe : I am going to attach another fluid bag to help with her dehydration. This will the last bag she will need for the night. Hit the button for the  nurse when the bag  is empty so I  can take out the IV  from her arm.

HS and JM: Thank you Nurse Zoe for taking care of our girl.

Nurse Zoe: No  problem

Nurse Zoe comes back in the morning around 6:00 am  and takes out the needle for the IV. Y/N holds  Harry's hand while the nurse take out the needle. Ian comes back around 8:00 am to take her home. Y/N  gets released from the hospital and Ian and the boys take her home.  She feels gross so she goes upstairs  , takes a shower and brushes her teeth. Ian checks on her after she gets out  of the shower.

NJ: lets  watch a movie on  Netflix  your choice Y/N.

Y/N: 17 Again with Zac Efron

Y/N takes her fever medicine and  falls asleep in the middle of the movie. Harry is  asleep  when the end credits start to roll. James  wakes up  and realizes Y/N asleep.

JM: Harry  I am going to carry Y/N  upstairs to her room.

HS: OK be careful
JM: I will

James uses one arm to support her back and  the other  arm to  support her legs. He lays Y/N down  in her bed with only one blanket on her and kisses her forehead.

JM: Harry and Ian lets  play the new Madden NFL Game while Y/N takes a nap.

Harry and Ian : You are going down Maslow

The  boys play Madden for two hours and realize they have not checked on Y/N?
Harry not very good at Madden he won only once. They  played the game five times. Ian won twice and James won twice.

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