Chapter One

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~Cancer's Pov~

I looked around the field looking for more zombies. I've been fighting them since early this morning and it's nearing midnight. Pluto my guard stands vigilant by my side. "Come on boy, let's continue going," I said stuffing my stuff in my bag. All I really had was two changes for clothing, my axe, my stuffed rabbit, a blanket, a book I've been meaning to read, food, water, my medical kit, a painting that was suppose to me for my parents, and a picture of my family. I sighed, I miss my family greatly. My sister and I got separated when this all happened and I don't know if Scor is still alive. I put on my gas mask while handing Pluto's his. "This way," I said leading him south of where we where.


"Scor wait up!" I said chasing after her, my pink dress getting in the way. We were playing tag and I was it at the moment. "Girls!" Mother called from the door of the kitchen, "dinner's ready." I clapped happily, I didn't have to case Scor around the yard anymore. "Race ya!" Scor yelled running off, her purple dress blowing in the wind. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled running after her. Scor beat me by one second so we called it a tie. Scor and I where giggling as we sat at the dinner table. We had planned on giving our parents a painted picture of the family in front of our house. It took Scor months to draw and me a few weeks paint it just perfect. "Mom, dad," Scor said standing up, me following her, "we have something to give you." I ran upstairs to get the painting when my mom screamed down stairs. "Mother!" I screamed when I got down stairs. There where zombies, no I didn't think that it was true. I had tried to save mother but father held me back pushing me upstairs. I screamed, cried, kicked, bit, and punched my dad as I tried to save mother. "Stop it!" Father hisses the niceness gone from his voice, "she's gone and there's nothing we can do about it!" Father shoved us in our shared room. Father left the room, shutting the door behind him. "Is dad going to be okay?" I asked Scor. Scor didn't answer, instead she was putting stuff into her bags. "You should start to you know," she muttered barely glancing at me. Standing up from the corner of the room, I made my way to my closet clutching the painting. I picked out the strong flexible steal backpack father gave me and started putting stuff in. The painting went in seconds before the door tore down, zombies flooding the room. "Let's go!" Scor said pulling me to the window. "No I forgot Bunny!" I yelled getting out of her grip and running over to my bed to grab Bunny. "See you when this is all over," Scor shouted jumping out the window. I clutched Bunny to my chest with one arm and grabbed my bag with my other. "Yeah see you when it's over," I whispered jumping out the window as well.

~Flashback Over~

I shook my head to clear the memory. That was five years ago, I don't need to remember that. I looked around and noticed that we where by a building of some sort. I was heavily guarded but the house looked abandoned. "Pluto," I said getting his attention. "We're going to try and alert that guard tower over there," I said pointing to the tower, "that we're alive, you can do that, right?" Pluto nodded happily and transformed into his dog form. Pluto started barking as I yelled. Moments later a bright light shinned down on us. "I found survivors!" I head someone faintly yelled, "we need people to come get them!" I smiled in victory but it didn't last long. A zombie came into view then about thirty others appeared. "Poop," I muttered under my breath as I started to slice their heads off with my trusty axe. Pluto who was by my side was breathing fire burning the zombie's flesh, which smells gross. As I chopped off the last head of the zombies a group of five people were running out to get us. They lead Pluto and I inside the building. "Are you okay?" A girl with long brown hair asked, it's Pisces. "I'm fine Pisces!" I said back to her. She looked shocked which I'm confused about because we used to play dolls together before all of this. I must admit, she still looks the same. "How do you know me?" She asked pulling out a spear. I remained calm. "Pie, I'm Cancer," I said as she squealed and hugged me. "Wait till Scor hears about this!!!" She said dragging me with her as she ran off, the other four people confused. "Wait Scor?" I asked, "as in my sister?" Pie nodded happily as she slowed. She pressed a bottom and an elevator appeared. She pressed living room as the other four people, and Pluto showed us. "Pie what is the meaning of this?!" A tall red head yelled, "we don't even know her!" "Oh right! Aries," Pie said, "this is Cancer." The red head huffed and turned away. "And the other four are Virgo (girl with pink hair), Taurus (guy with black/brown hair), Aquarius (blue haired girl), and Libra (blue haired guy), Aqua's half brother!" Pie said pointing to each person, "guys this is Cancer!" "And Pluto," I whispered gesturing to Pluto. The elevator stopped as Pie dragged me out. "We got a new girl?" A orange/red haired male asked. "Leo, Cancer," Pie said, "Cancer, Leo." The boy nodded and wondered off to Aries. "Who's this?" Two voices said as arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I-I'm C-Cancer," I stuttered. "I'm Gem!" the boy with a orange purple streak in his hair said. "And I'm Mini," the boy with blue green hair said. I nervously backed away into another person. "Sorry!" I said facing the person. With was a male with white hair. "It's no problem, I'm Capricorn," he said, "you must be Cancer." I nodded quietly. "Nice to have you on the team!" He said before walking off. "Does everyone do that?" I asked Pie who nodded. "Mostly everyone does," Pie said. A boy with purple hair walked up. "Where are you off to?" He asked. "To see Scor," Pie said pushing past the male and leaving him behind. "Pie who was that?" I asked once I caught up to her. "Sagittarius," Pie muttered before she cheered up, "anyways here's Scor!" Scor was sitting on the sofa reading a book a called 'Till Death Does Us Part" (not sure if actually is real book). "Scor?" I asked. She looked up and gasped. "CC?" She asked.

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