but the screen capture would completely cut out. the entire screen would just cut to black. a message would pop up blocking the gameplay or the mic would just fuck up and be a douchebag for the rest of the recording.

i didn't understand why all my equipment just started to act up on me. they were working perfectly before, why decide to mess up now?

i've already had enough of it, but yesterday? oh god.

everything decided to flip it's axis.

my life was usually brighter than the rain pour that happens in ireland every five minutes, but now; the atmosphere here felt like a hurricane compared to the pitter patter outside.

i could remember it all so clearly...

it was all sealed by the time i went to the bathroom. i went in to take a shower last night and the lights kept flickering.

i tried to go out to get a light bulb, but when i turned the knob, the fucking knob was stuck. it felt sticky on the ends of the door, only to see that my hands were covered with black goo.

i called for help. it didn't even matter as no one would come, but i did it anyway. i didn't give a shit! i thought maybe my neighbours would come after me even though i yell all the time.

this was my end point. i was done for. (well not really because i'm writing this after the incident...)
d̝̖̲̳͞ ̻̣̤̰̣͙̜̙͢o̙̭͇̩̮͉͓̰ ͇n̸͔͍̖̝͓͘ ̜̱̦̤̞͎̻t̴̩̲͈͎̠͉̯͡ͅ ̶̝̹̖̤͎̙̱̬̺͘͜ ̨͕̳̹̤͕̠b̰̼e̡̝͎̲͘ͅͅ ̝͎̲̮̺͓̕͟ ͓̩̫̼͎͓͘͠a̘̱̫̻̭̳̜f̙̻̲͈̞͜ͅ ̶̰̻̮̭̱͜r͏̵̫͇̩͙̖̮ͅ ̡͙̳̬̞̤̩̳̖͘a͚͉̩͜ ҉̴̬͖̻̭̪i̢̛̖̫̥̞̰̩̞͙͟ͅ ̲̺͎̭̯̻̕̕ḏ͔
i thought i was done for.

there was black smoke coming from the vents. i tried getting out, but there was no use. when i turned on the shower, there was no water coming out.

only black goo.

when i tried to turn it back off, the flow of the strange substance became smoother and much stronger than before.

suddenly, the smoke moved to the side and showed me the mirror. i was walking towards it, and instead of seeing my reflection, i saw my face with my eyes closed.

"where the fuck did my body go?" someone may be asking.

like i fucking knew.

i reached out to touch it only to have it's eyes shoot open, and reveal it's eyes completely filled in with darkness.

their eyes were completely black.

now, here, i felt like i was tripping balls. i was probably on an unwilling acid trip. or maybe i was just dreaming? maybe a nightmare?

if it was a nightmare, then i'd hate whatever i ate or drank trying to wake up.

but; the thing was that, i knew i was awake. i was completely conscious and this was actually happening to me.

now, the black smoke started to form around me. i felt dizzy and the smoke started to go around my face, making me feel even more dizzy than before. i felt like i was falling asleep as i started to inhale the black smoke, feeling the air go throughout my body.

it kept whispering my name. not jack, it kept whispering seán. the more i inhaled it, the louder it got. it became more frequent as well.

i found myself saying a name back, but i already forgot who i called out.

as i was still inhaling the smoke, i kept looking into the mirror to see black tears dripping down my face.

despite the black smoke somewhat calming me down, i was fucking terrified. i felt like i was gonna die in my bathroom.

once the black smoke was in my system, i looked into the mirror one last time. i was coughing and felt like i was choking on air.

this time, it was my actual reflection.

with black tears streaming down my face.

i walked up closer. the reflection stayed in its place.

i was calling out to see if it was prank or something. i was out of breath and not in the mood for any kind of bullshit. "hey! if anyone's fucking with me, once i get out of here, i'm calling the fucking-"

i heard a scream.

right there, i passed out. i don't remember anything after that moment.

today, i woke up in the bathtub. the water was black and up about neck high.

how the fuck did i end up here?


now, i'm here writing about my experience, perfectly shook and terrified of leaving the house. i know i've been a little off the edge, but hopefully things will get better soon.

well, i feel like i've been writing for a little too long and i've already had to use up ten pages for this journal entry alone.

hopefully it was worth it.

until next time journal.


p.s: in the last note, where did that message come from? am i just seeing things?

oh fuck.

(a/n): helllloooooooooooo

it me

so i hope you guys enjoyed that chapter!!




i'm into horror for some unknown reason, but i'm actually really excited that this story is actually a thing

what's your favorite genre?

mines is horror

as previously stated

mkay i think that's pretty much it 

i hope you all had a wonderful day 

all the love -k x 

help me || anti auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora