Grinning Dog

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You just came back from a long day of work. You open the door to see that your dog hasn't run up to you and jumped up on you as usual. You close the door behind you and walk further into the house and see your dog sitting in the backyard. He is grinning creepily at you. You know and remember locking him inside of the house. And then you hear the front door swinging shut. You spin around to see your dog is standing in front of it, an even bigger grin on his face. You look back into the backyard and he is not out there anymore. You turn back to the dog and he is much closer to you. Sadly, he is not a cuddly type. You have a massive German Shepherd. With big sharp teeth.

And he is grinning crazily at you.


You wake up panting. What, was that all a dream? You look over the side of your bed and your dog is normally sleeping next to you like dogs do. But you have a weird sensation that someone is watching you. It's still nighttime, so you grab your bedtime reading light and put on your dressing gown. You walk down the hallway, looking for the source of the creepy feeling. As you walk further down it gets stronger, stronger and stronger, burning. When you reach your backyard you see a man out side. He is grinning at the sky while doing a dance, it looks like a weird waltz. He gets closer and closer to you. You run back up to your bedroom and look back down the hallway. Somehow he is inside the house, grinning even wider and doing the same weird dance. You are completely freaked out and run out of the house. Once outside, you turn back around to see that the man is running full speed at you. You turn back and run not daring to slow down or look back. 

You do a couple of sweet turns and end up in a dark alley. Hopefully he has lost you. On the other side of the street you can see the man with a dog, the same dog that was in your nightmare. Illuminated in the light of the street lamp, it's obvious that they are looking for you. The dog lifts his snout up, supposedly sniffing the air for your scent. He turns his head to face you directly in the eye and starts running at you. You know it's too late to try and hide or run out of the alleyway. He jumps on you and starts ripping you to shreds and you manage to get out one last scream.

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