Monew Drabble LMAO

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Lmao guys I wrote this awhile back when Maha actually liked Jinki. Shes gone blinger now. And this sucks omg. Its weird how back then, I thought this was good, and now that I go back and read it I wanna kill it with fire LOL.


I knew I shouldnt have agreed to this.

Sure Jjong is cute, but I dont want to be here, and neither does he. Its actually really obvious.

/le flashback~

"Maha, Maha! Come here!" I turned around to see Raetana beckoning me towards her. "Fiiinnneee" I grumbled, who knows

what weird shit she's gonna make me do this time. "So, Maha, I was thinking, this weekend me and Seung Honey are going

to see that new movie, and I was wondering if...maybe you wanted to come? But, heres the catch, Seung is asking Jjong

to come, so it'll be like a double date!" I looked at her in disbelief. "Do you seriously expect me to go on a date...

WITH JONGHYUN?? Qurl, he is a manwhore. No way. Im not going." I started to leave when I heard...crying. I turned around.

And there she sat, CRYING. Jesus Christ this girl. I sat beside her and said I would go if she really wanted me too.

She immediately sat up, "Okay!" She piped and walked away. That bitch, she knows I cant handle tears.

And thats how I ended up here. Pinned between my best friend and a manwhore at a movie I wasnt even paying attention too.

Well, a movie I couldnt pay attention to due to the RAE-OH-PAYNESS makeout session happening to my left. I was also

really thirsty but Jonghyun wouldnt get me a drink because he didnt want to miss the movie. Dis bitch.

About halfway through the movie, Jjong gets a text and says he has to bail, "family emergency". Pshh, yeah right. Like I

even care. I decide that the thirst is too much to handle and I take things into my own hands. As I stood in the concession

line, I heard someone approaching from behind, I turned and collided into someone, their drink spilled all down the front

of my shirt. "Oh Im sorry!" We both cried. I looked up and realized I knew who it was. "Maha! Oh wow, so nice to see you!

Listen, Im so sorry for spilling on you, I should be more careful. But, I guess once you get Onew Condition, it doesnt go

away." He chuckled. Onew Sangtae, the most perfect being to ever walk the Earth, I was too busy staring at him to

pay attention to what he was saying. "Maha, Maha? Hey are you okay? I asked what movie you were seeing.." Oh shit. "Oh,

sorry, Im at that new romance movie that just came out with Raetana and Seunghyun. But you know them, they werent even

watching. Who are you here with?" I asked. "Oh nobody, I just wanted to get out of the house. Oh I know! If you

really dont want to be at that other movie, how about you come see Croctopus vs. Megashark with me!" I stared at him

in disbelief for two reasons. One being that Lee Jinki pretty much just asked me on a date, and the other being

that he was going to watch the nerdiest movie of all time. "Sure! I would love too! But, I dont have a ticket."

"Oh thats fine." He replied. "I'll buy you one, its the least I could do considering I ruined your shirt." Oh this boy.

Maybe coming out tonight wasnt such a bad idea.

Ten minutes later we were standing in line to see the most retarded movie of all time, yet that was okay, because I

wouldnt be watching the movie, I would probably just stare at Onew the whole time.

As we were walking into our movie, I saw Raetana and Seunghyun walk out of theirs, Raetana saw me, and looked confused,

but then saw who I was with, and she gave me this stupid jackass grin and then winked at me and walked away. I dont

even want to know where theyre going or whats gonna go down. Onew grabbed my hand and ran into the theatre, determined to

get the best seats possible. God, hes such a dork, but thats what i love about him. We sat through the opening credits

in silence. After a couple minutes he leaned down and asked if I was thirsty. "Boy, do you seriously think Im in the mood

for a soda when i still have some dripping into my socks?" He looked hurt for a second, but then he started laughing.

"I told you I was sorry! And its not my fault! Its the condition! Is there anything I could do to fix it? Anything."

I looked down and thought in my head, well you could kiss me. "What? Kiss you?" Onew said. Oh shit. I said that out loud

didnt I. O.O Fuck, Im such a retard! "NOTHATSNOTWHATISAIDYOUMUSTBECONFUSED" I started rambling shit to try and fix what

I said earlier, but i was cut off mid-ramble by a pair of lips pressed up against mine. It was just a peck, though.

But it was still enough to get me to stop talking. Onew broke the silence by saying, "You have no idea how long I've wanted

to do that." I stared at him. Was this a dream. What the fuck is going on. My mind was reeling with explanations and

questions and things that I should say but all that came out was; "Me, too."

Hearing this Onew bent over and whispered in my ear again, this time though, his words were full of lust. "The movie can

wait." I could feel my insides writhing and my brain was all kinds of fucked up. I still didnt know if I was dreaming or if

this was actually happening. I guess I didnt care, as long as it was him, it was okay. I closed my eyes and felt his

lips against mine, felt his fingers in my hair, felt his hand on my thigh.

And I woke up in the morning with his head on my pillow.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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