He knew how much I love April and William. He knew how much I would do anything for them. I was doing everything I could to save them but no one knew that because if they knew what I was doing they would tell me how stupid it was and would hate me. God even I hate me when I think about what I'm doing to save everyone. It's the only way I can think of to save everyone I care about right now, so its what I was doing.

"Don't say that!" I said sternly. "You know I would do anything to save April and William. You know I would do anything to save everyone I care about, even if I got killed. So don't say its like I don't want to help because...." I stopped myself. I put a hand through my hair, pulling at it in frustration. "God, I'm trying everything to save everyone I care about! I'm trying so hard but everything I do has consequences."

"Everything has consequences Haz. Everything we all do has them but we do it anyway." Louis butted in.

"Yea but everything I do seems to have worst ones. Ones that I cant fix afterwards." I muttered.

"Harry, what are you talking about? What have you done?" He asked confused at what I was talking about.

I almost told him. I opened my mouth to spill everything. He was my best friend, the one I tell everything to but right now I'm lying to him because I cant tell him. He would make me tell everyone else and then the plan I have will go out the window. They cant know what I'm doing because I'm doing it to save them.

"I cant tell you..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean? Harry what is it? Is it bad!" He panicked.

"Its not bad! It's just not that good ether but you have to trust me on this ok. I'm doing this to save all of you and you know I wouldn't do anything to put anyone in danger, especially the ones I care about." I said looking through the mirror at April asleep in the back before looking at Louis and then back to the road.

"I trust you Harry. I know you wouldn't do anything that stupid to put us in danger but if you ever need someone, talk to me. I'm here for you, you know. We all are." He said making me nod slowly.

"I know, its just hard sometimes watching the ones you care about get hurt. I don't want the same thing that happened six years ago to happen again."

"It wont, we have it all sorted."

"I know we do. I just don't want to lose her again." I said looking at Louis who looked at me sadly. "I don't think I can deal with that again."

"It'll be fine. You guys will be fine."

We didn't speak after that. We only had a couple minutes left until we were there and the comfortable silene between us was fine with me. I didn't want to talk anymore anyway. I just wanted to pretend and believe for a little while that everything was and is going to be fine.


I heard everything.

I woke up when I heard Louis shout but decided to keep my eyes closed. I was going to make myself known until I heard what they were talking about.

Harry doesn't open up to many people, me and the boys being the only people except his mum that he feels comfortable around. So hearing him to talk Louis made me happy in some way. Just because him and Louis haven't spoken probably in a while because of everything going on.

Though I couldn't help but worry when Harry said he was doing something to keep us all safe but couldn't tell Louis what it was. I relaxed a bit when he said it wasn't bad but then got tense when he said it wasn't good ether. What could it be that his doing? Of course I want to know. I want to know what his doing without us and why its so secret. I want to know if his going to be safe.

My heart hurt when he said he didn't want to lose me again. It hurt me so much to hear the pain in his voice as he said them words to Louis. I didn't know what to think of them. He obviously thinks at the end of all of this his going to lose me and whatever his doing to save us might be the reason. I cant say for sure that he will or wont lose me. He might lose me by me dying in the end or by me leaving again. Though I would only leave if he done something so bad that made me leave or if he told me too.

I just hoped whatever he is doing wont turn out bad for him let alone us. I just hope he knows what he is doing with all of this. I hope he hasn't done something stupid. I'm mostly hoping by the end of all this I wont have to leave again.







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