chapter 1

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October 10th

Dan's junior year just started and its about  to get crazy.

"Dan, I'm pregnant....." Dan's girlfriend  Isabella says.

"Wh-wa-what how..when no you can't be" Dan was shoked he didn't believe it.

"I'm being serious now. Dan I promise "

Isabella always played jokes on dan and pranking him but this time it was no prank.

"How long have you known " Dan says

" I found out last week, but did know how to tell you"

"Isabella I don't know what to do. Its soo soon I don't know if I'm ready. I don't think I am. "

"I know, that's why I'm not having it"

"Well... I guess that's good than.. right cause were not ready"

" it's happening next week if you want to come"

"Yea.. okay"

[ and Isabella leaves]

next chapter soon
Sorry this is so horrible but I'm going to try small chapters so I actually want to write or till I run out of stuff for the chapter.  But at least I started it - Jessi ✌

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