Things I Feel

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1. Anger.
I feel angry because how could I mess up a simple thing as swallowing pills. Maybe I didn't take enough. Maybe I didn't take the right ones, the most dangerous one.

2. Embarrassment.
Now that everyone knows that I hate myself and my life enough to try and commit suicide, they'd see me in a whole new light. Treat me differently.

3. Shame.
Knowing that I'm back to school with having people spread the 'truth' out and see me as that 'one emo kid'. Having my peers believing that they have to think over what it is that they want to tell me if they don't want me to snap.

4. Guilt.
I did the exact opposite of what I felt I was trying to do. Instead of ridding myself, I only tied more weight to the rope and dragged them down by dumping my emotional problems on them and hospital bills on them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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