Chapter Two

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I stepped forward trying to not make eye contact with anyone in a particular, I reached down to a copy of the menu that was sitting on the table in the middle of the circle of couches and then held out it out if anyone wanted to take a look.

'Can I start anyone with some drinks?' I asked probably a little too quietly, but none of them seemed to mind, and all starting shouting out their orders, their eyes slowly leaving me as they each called out their order.

I tried to mentally remember all of their orders, before turning to leave I was stopped by Tony Stark who leant out and pulled me back so I was almost up against his chest, his eyes looked me up and down before he added, 'Bring an extra whiskey back up with you'

I nodded quickly, before taking a step back and practically running down the stairs, it was going to be a long night with the Avengers upstairs. I walked into the bar, grabbing one of the trays from under the counter, and slamming it down on the bench.

'Tough night already?' Alex said, coming up behind me, 'Want me to help with their orders?'

I rolled my eyes at this comment before I nodded, reeling back over their orders, and then asked me to help with the spirits, whilst I poured the beers for who I was assuming was Captain America, I couldn't remember their actual names except for Tony's.

I piled up my tray, before I headed up, taking a quick shot of vodka that Alex had offered me. I felt my hand shake slightly at the weight of the tray as I walked up the staircase that seemed to become steeper since my last use.

I reached the top landing, noticing they had all positioned themselves around the centre of the room on the variety of silver and black couches.

I took a step forward placing the tray down on the table, I knew I had gotten all the drinks right but now that I was in the middle of their circle I couldn't for the life of me remember which one belonged to who.

I seemed to tremble slightly as their eyes all turned to face me again. I took a deep breathe and then started rambling through their orders passing the drinks to each one, trying to avoid eye contact but offering a slight smile to each of them.

'Lucky last, the Budweiser ?' I said holding it out for the brunette guy, sitting toward the outside of the circle. I didn't seem to wanna look over in my direction but held out his gloved hand. I thought it was odd he was wearing a glove when it was so warm inside but shrugged it off, maybe he felt the cold a little too much?

I took a step back and let them mingle again amongst themselves, trying my hardest to not stare at any of them in particular, but my eyes kept going back to the gloved man. He seemed to only be talking to one of them, Captain America.

I stepped forward when Tony came up next to me, wanting another round of drinks, he placed his arm around my shoulder, 'another round for everyone please gorgeous' he said, offering me a wink. I took a step back as he headed back to his seat and turned to face captain America.

'I'm sorry about Tony he tends to get a little carried away once he starts drinking' he offered an apology. 'I'm Steve by the way' he held out his hand and I quickly shook it to not appear rude.

'Thank you, it's Alli' I offered my name, before turning to grab the next round of drinks for everyone. My heart raced slightly at seeing the brunette man staring at me as I walked down the staircase.

Birthdate - A Soulmate AU [Bucky Barnes] ** ON HIATUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora