Episode 16- But I'm not a girl!

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Peach: Darn it!
Larry: That wasn't nice!

Lakitu: Next up is Daisy!
Daisy: Please be Luigi, Please be Luigi, please don't give me a Koopaling.. *pulls lever*
Lakitu: And... It's Lemmy!

Lemmy: Hi!!
Daisy: NOOOO!!!
Lemmy: Rude!

Lakitu: Toadette is up!
Toadette: MOMA'S GOT A NEW PAIR OF LUIGI'S! *pulls lever*

Lakitu: It's Luigi!

Toadette: Yes!!
Rosalina: No...

Lakitu: Rosalina is up! Shy Guy will get whoever is left after this.

Rosalina: *pulls lever*
Roy: *pops out of machine*

Lakitu: Okay! Rosalina gets Roy and Shy Guy and Goomba are together!

Goomba: Yes!
Shy Guy: Just like our team!!

Lakitu: Time for the next part of the challenge! Meet me at the biggest waterfall in the Mushroom kingdom, The Big Guy!

At The Big Guy:

Goomba: *looks down* Woah! The falls... We're so high up!
Lakitu: Yep! One little trip and you go flying down! Now, time for the next part of the challenge. The winning pair wins immunity, and then there's a vote! The challenge is simple, like the others. There are five platforms over there. Each couple gets one. Now, the challenge is to stay on the platform for as long as possible without falling off.


Lakitu: CAUSE THEIR FUNNY! Anyway, the last couple standing wins immunity. If you trip and fall off, that's about a 1000 foot drop you'll be taking. So, bye bye! Here's the twist: You can split up and jump on other platforms to push people off, but if there are 0 people on a platform, it falls down. FOR GOOD. So people might have to scrunch together on one platform to not fall off. Also, this is in the middle of The Big Guy, so we're gonna need a rescue helicopter to bring ALL of you back here. Ready? Let's review who gets what platform:

Daisy and Lemmy get platform 1,
Peach and Larry get platform 2,
Shy Guy and Goomba get platform 3,
Rosalina and Roy get platform 4,
And Luigi and Toadette get platform 5.
Ready, set.... GO!!

Toadette: AHHH!! I'm scared of heights...
Luigi: Well we need to win this. Uh..
Toadette: What should we do?!
Luigi: Hmm.. Well since you are scared of heights, stay on here. I'm gonna try to jump onto platform-
Roy: *lands on platform 5* HIYA!!!!
Toadette: *screams*
Luigi: JUMP!!
Toadette: But you know I'm afraid of heights!
Luigi: Doesn't matter!! *jumps to platform 1*
Roy: *trips Luigi*
Luigi: *falls* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Lakitu: Luigi is out!!
Toadette: NOOO!!! *pushes off Roy*
Laktiu: Roy is out!
Toadette: *jumps onto Platform 1*
Lakitu: Since there are zero people on Platform 5 it has fallen! 4 platforms remaining!
Rosalina: Not for long! *jumps onto Platform 1*
Lakitu: Platform 4 has fallen!

Toadette: Why are all 4 of us on the same platform? It's too crowded!
Rosalina: Yeah, go somewhere else!
Daisy: Actually, this is OUR platform. Get off!
Lemmy: Yeah, what she said!
Toadette: *makes some weird eye contact with Rosalina*
Rosalina: Ok. GO!!!
Rosalina and Toadette: *push Lemmy and Daisy off*
Lemmy and Daisy: WOOHOO!!!!
Toadette: Why are they having fun?
Rosalina: Who knows.
Laktiu: *laughs* Well, looks like they aren't winning immunity today!
Rosalina and Toadette: *jump onto platform 3*
Laktiu: Looks like only two platforms remain! Here are the remaining competitors:
Peach and Larry
Shy Guy and Goomba

Rosalina: Your next.
Shy Guy: We certainly are not! *fights Rosalina* Quick Goomba, give me the rope!
Toadette: Woah! Where did that rope come from?
Goomba: *hands rope to Shy Guy* Bowser's castle, duh. Always be prepared.
Toadette: Cheater! Lakitu, what can you say about this?
Lakitu: ...
I'll allow it.

Shy Guy: *ties up Rosalina and Toadette*
Toadette: Let me out!
Shy Guy: *kicks them off Platform*
Laktiu: Toadette and Rosalina have fallen! Two teams, two plat-
Peach and Larry: *jump off Platform 2*
Laktiu: Only one platform is left! Battle!
Peach: Let's settle this. Me Vs. Shy Guy, and Larry Vs. Goomba.
Goomba: GO!!
Shy Guy: *pushes Peach off and helps Goomba to push Larry off*
Lakitu: Goomba and Shy Guy win immunity! I'll get the rescue copter to fetch all of you, and then we're off to the next destination! With voting, of course.

On the plane:
Lakitu: After a long day at Shy Guy falls, it comes to this. You have casted your votes.

Mushrooms are for:
-Shy Guy
-And Lemmy, all with 0 votes. Either Roy or Rosalina are going home tonight. The last bag of mushrooms is for...

(Viewers: Stop your video now.)

Everyone: Again!!
Rosalina: Another tie!!
Lakitu: Well yes, it was a tie. But.. We are running out of challenge ideas, so it's a double elimination!
Everyone: *gasps*
Roy: It was... Fun...
Rosalina: I'll miss you guys!

Lakitu: *throws Parachutes at Roy and Rosalina* Out out out! *pushes Roy and Rosalina out of plane* *closes door* Yeah.. Screams are annoying, so we're not hearing them today. See you next time, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

Total Drama: Mushroom TourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz