S01 ep02

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1 - Previously on "Dead of Summer" - What'd you do with them?! Three short days - till we open the gates.
- Wow.
No one knows anything about him.
You don't belong here.
Leave now.
[Screams] [Screams] all my firsts where here
was Townie.
And she was Braces.
- What was Dave into? - [Coughing] Get out of here! I don't think this was an accident.
It's an old map of the lake.
Only, the person who drew it saw something else in this place.
[Piano playing slow-tempo music] [Rocking chair creaking] Man: landmark moment in Polish parliament as delegates voted in their first non-communist leader since World War II.
Many Poles have taken to the streets to celebrate the Solidarity party's landmark Alex! First day of camp, bro.
[Laughs] Remember that time you woke up 'cause you thought there was a leak, and it was actually Mark Peperall's pee soaking through the sheets 'cause he got scared after watching "Poltergeist" and we kept going "They're here"? [Laughs] Remember that, Powell? Yes, Jason.
I remember.
I told you.
It's Blotter now.
Do you even know what that means? Stick with your 20-sided dice, Dungeon Master.
Do I look like I still play D&D? The election results Hey! I'm listening to that.
It's about Solidarity.
Is that a band? It's about freedom, you idiot.
Okay, Rambo.
- [PA system squealing] - Deb: Counselors, to the flagpole.
Your campers are arriving.
They're here.
[Laughs] [The Cult's "She Sells Sanctuary" plays] [Laughter] [Cheers and applause] Man: Come on out, guys! [Cheering continues] [Rhythmic clapping] Dork.
Deb: All right, campers.
Your counselors have your cabin and bunk assignments.
They will call your name.
- Okay.
Emily A.
- Jeffrey.
- [Laughs] - Steven Z.
- All right.
- Emily A.
- Hey.
- What's up? You think there's a vibe between me and Cricket? - Really? - You don't think I could get her? The only thing you're getting this summer is your hand and some lotion.
[Scoffs] 50 bucks says I hook up with Cricket before you get with Amy.
What's your name? [Russian accent] Anton Melnikov.
- May the best man win.
- Anton Melni-what? How do you even pronounce that? [Laughter] Anton Melnikov.
[Laughter] [Conversations echo] What the hell's wrong with you? I said no starch on these.
[Russian accent] I'm apologize.
I'm sorry, sir.
Did my employee upset you? Brezhnev can't even press a pair of slacks right.
Well, that's the price you pay for hiring a commie.
[Scoffs] Hard workers, but not the sharpest knives, huh? Ain't that right, Mikhail? Don't you worry about these, sir.
We'll take care of them on the house.
[Bells jingle] What'd I tell you about bringing rugrats in here, huh? What's your name? [Russian accent] Alexi Fayvinov.
All right, first of all, you're in my country, so you go by Alan or Alex or something I can pronounce.
Secondly, if you're gonna be around, make yourself useful.Clean these slacks.
Now you listen to me, you Russki.
You see this store? This is my American Dream.
You upset my customers, and you mess with that dream.
And no one, no one, messes with my American Dream.
[Sighs] [American accent] Alex Powell.
My name is Alex Powell.
[Birds chirping] - Yeah, yeah.
- You've never done that before? So you're gonna put one foot in front of the other.
And we're gonna try to get it on the stake.
And you throw it.
[Horseshoe clanks] Whoo! That's pretty good, right? [Indistinct conversations] [Singing] Great! Aw, look at new girl, horsin' around.
[Chuckles] Aren't you and Blotter supposed to be playing softball with Cabin 10? Uh, Blotter's got it covered.
[Clears throat] I think he might be missing a player.
Hey, Anton! Get back to the field.
Poor kid.
He's got an imaginary friend.
He needs a buddy.
What he needs is a new name.
Right, this is America.
You can get your ass kicked for having a name like Anton Melnikov.
Cut the kid some slack.
Who knew you were such a commie sympathizer? Who knew you were such a jerk? How's it going? Let's see.
Ooh, did somebody get one?! - Oh, yeah.
- Nice! Okay.
Does anyone want to try [Joel laughs] Get excited, everybody.
McEnroe's on the court.
Let's see your game.
No, thanks.
I have better aim with this.
Tell us.
How does Deb's ass look through that lens? - Uh - [Laughs] You don't think we noticed? Joel: Okay.
I don't get it.
Staff week, she was flirty, and now it's like she flipped a switch.
What, the camp director? Good luck with that.
Ew, gross.
She's like your mother's age.
- [PA system squeals] - Deb: Hope you're hungry, campers.
It's time for dinner.
Everyone to the mess hall.
[Indistinct conversations] Hey, Cricket.
Where's Anton? - What? - The Russian kid.
[Sighs] Wait here.
Anton! Anton! Anton! Anton: Why? Okay.
Where is it? Hey.
Who are you talking to? The Tall Man.
There's no tall man here, kid.
Come on.
Let's go.
[Crickets chirping, owl hooting] [Speaks indistinctly] Aah! Aah! Help! Help me! [Gasping] Aah.
[Sizzling] "Find me.
" Help me.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Okay, it was just a bad dream.
Boy: I'm trying to sleep here.
Man: It is said there is a nationwide network of Satanists hiding in plain sight, cults that worship the devil, engage in secret ceremonies, from shedding the blood of animals to sexual rituals.
Tonight [Scoffs] That must have really freaked you out, huh? Finding him like that.
It's part of the job.
It was your first time back there.
Don't give me that tough cop act.
Your dad always tried pulling that, and I didn't buy it then, either.
You know, seeing you like this makes me worry that you're headed down the same road.
I'm fine, Mom.
They should never have reopened that camp.
- [Door opens] - Take me down alleys Where the murders are done They hide in doorways When the Ripper's on the run Thanks, Mom.
Lingers on in the air You mind turning that down, Damon? Yes, sir.
[Music stops] Ah, little light reading there, Deputy? Oh, I found it gutted up at the camp the other day.
The heart ripped out.
- Mm.
- Kind of a ritualistic killing.
You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Eh, I see.
You think because I'm wearing this that I'm a devil worshiper.
Well Got it at an Iron Maiden show.
You ever hear "Number of the Beast"? It's a good song.
Enjoy your burger.
But I'm not gonna catch you selling drugs up by camp, am I? I'd hate for you to miss another Iron Maiden show.
[Footsteps approach] Whoa.
Is that - liquid acid? - [Chuckles] Bit extreme for a fifth-level elf, huh? Hey, I told you I don't play D&D anymore.
Yeah, and you also don't even inhale.
What? I've seen you.
You know, you may dress like Cheech and Chong now, but you smoke weed like a 10-year-old girl.
And this, bit out of your league, Jason.
Couple drops and you'll have Barney Rubble eyes.
First off, I do inhale.
And I'm not gonna do this at camp.
[Sighs] Look, it's just a little bonus.
Something extra from my guy.
You mean the guy you were talking to in the woods today? - What are you talking about? - Anton.
He said he was talking to a tall man when I found him in the woods today.
Not so sure Deb would be happy if she found that out.
She also wouldn't like it if she found out you're a thief.
Yeah, I saw you cut that dry cleaning tag off your shirt, bro.
I get my clothes dry cleaned.
- [Whispering] Oh, my God.
- [Chuckles] No, I checked the trash.
It wasn't your name on the tag.
I didn't steal anything, man.
All right, well, maybe I didn't see that tag.
And, uh, maybe you just thought I didn't inhale.
I like this new Blotter.
But I don't lose.
Now hide the gooney bird, 'cause we got to get to guard duty.
Come on.
Let's go.
Trouble me Disturb me with all your cares and your worries You only want him 'cause you can't have him.
Um, "A" look who's talking.
And "B" we have a connection.
Have you even had one conversation with him? Special delivery for Cricket Diaz.
What is it, Jason? Ooh.
Want to go smoke a bowl? I'm good.
Oh, uh Okay, cool.
See ya later.
Don't mislead me The calm I feel means a storm is swelling You used to be all about him.
- [Water splashing] - Amy: Try again.
There's no telling Oh! Speak to me Why are you building this thick brick wall Nothing's gonna happen till you make a move, you know.
Speak to me I tried.
Didn't work out so well.
It's not fair.
I liked him before he went all GQ on us.
She can't just swoop in and just I can help if you want.
Why would you do that? What are old friends for? And strong Hey, you're not still mad at me about that whole commie thing, are you? It's fine.
[Rock splashes] Okay.
Let me redeem myself.
Tomorrow night, let's go out.
I don't know.
Just because of tears Alex I'm homesick.
Come here, buddy.
[Grunts] Hey.
Don't be upset.
All right, you got your friends here, you got me here, and it's gonna be awesome.
Promise? Yeah, I promise.
Now let me walk you back.
- Okay? - Okay.
Spare me That was sweet.
[Chuckles] Okay.
Tomorrow night, staff lounge.
I'll be the handsome one.
Trouble me [Inhales deeply] All right.
Good night.
Come on, buddy.
Disturb me Careful, New Girl.
I know he's charming, but he'll do anything to get what he wants.
A shelter from the storm You said two.
I like it.
Here you go.
Good job, kid.
[Bells jingle] [Russian accent] Hello.
Uh, my name is Alex Powell.
I'm here about the new position.
- Just a moment.
- Okay.
Uh, where are you from, Nadia? Soviet Union.
You, uh, here about the job? Yeah, you must be Mr.
- Yeah.
Um I was just admiring your beautiful family.
[Chuckles] You really are living the American Dream, sir.
Do I know you? Not yet.
[Chuckles Crickets chirping] Anton: Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
- [Electricity crackling] - Go find it.
Go find it.
Go find it.
Find it.
Go find it.
Go find it.
Find it.
Go find it.
[Scribbling] [Muttering] - Anton? - [Muttering] What are you doing? This is where I'll find him.
Who? He said I have to find him.
- Anton, who? - Find him.
He said I have to find him or someone will die.
He was by himself after lights out on the first day of camp.
How does that even happen? Look, we all make mistakes.
Let's not make this one again.
'Cause if you do, you're fired.
[Indistinct conversations] Deb! Hello? Deb? Uh [Chuckles nervously] Deb.
I was just looking for the keys to the storage shed.
Well, they're not in there.
You should get going.
It's time for morning activities.
And three more laps.
I cracked it, bro.
I know how I'm getting in with Cricket.
I want to do a raid tonight.
I'm not free tonight.
You see, I got a date with Amy.
I found this old cabin in the woods the other day.
I'm gonna take her there and You can't leave me with our whole cabin by myself.
If something happens, I'm screwed.
You heard Deb.
Let me let you in on a little secret, Blotter.
And it might cost me 50 bucks, but the raid will go better if I'm not there.
Trust me.
Because Cricket would just end up looking at me the whole time.
You'll cover for me, then? Cabin 10.
We keep each other's secrets, right? Good night.
[Door opens, bell jingles] You're doing a good job, Alex.
Thank you, Mr.
Listen, why don't you, uh, take off a little early tonight, hmm? Let Nadia close up.
Go on.
Get out of here.
[Bells jingle] [Crickets chirping] You look amazing.
Where are we going? [Chuckles] You'll see.
Came here every summer as a kid.
Never once saw this cabin.
I want to show you something.
Everyone do this.
Come on.
- Ready? - Yeah.
- Who's ready to go on a raid? - Yeah! Let's go! Awesome.
On my three.
Ready? One two three.
Raid! [Girls screaming] [Indistinct conversations] Cricket: Whatever you're doing's not working.
Alex didn't even show up.
Brought you something, Cricket.
Blotter, I don't want any herbal whatevers.
I do.
I-It's not that.
C-Can you guys just You still have these? Found them under my old bunk.
We had a lot of adventures with these guys, didn't we? I admit, you were a pretty cool Dungeon Master, which are words that maybe shouldn't go together.
That was then.
I guess we all grow up eventually.
I don't believe any of it.
All that crap written on the walls that's not you.
I knew you then.
That's sweet.
Uh, I I better get the kids to bed.
[Slow-tempo piano playing] [Applause] [Chuckles] Who taught you how to play like that? My grandfather.
But my dad, he made me stick with it.
He must be proud of you.
He died when I was 12.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
He was a good man, but he wasn't very strong.
I'm very sorry, sir.
I Yes, sir.
We will try and find those for you.
Yes, sir.
[Phone slams] - I could kill that girl.
- Who? Three customers this week calling to complain about missing clothes, and Little Miss Russki hasn't been here for work in over a week.
You think that's a coincidence? Huh? You think you know somebody.
But they lie to you, Alex.
They lie.
And they're not who they say they are.
What happened to your father? Life wore him down.
Creaking] He, uh never took what was his.
[Gasps] Alex? What is it? [Breathing heavily] Nothing.
Hey, have you guys seen Anton? - No.
- [Piano playing "Heart and Soul"] [Off-key notes play] [Laughs] Wow.
Creaking] He, uh never took what was his.
[Gasps] Alex? What is it? [Breathing heavily] Nothing.
Hey, have you guys seen Anton? - No.
- [Piano playing "Heart and Soul"] [Off-key notes play] [Laughs] Wow.
I suck.
Ready? [Music stops] You know, people warned me about you.
I wasn't going to come.
Why did you? To see if they were right.
Were they? No.
- [Door slams] - Blotter, what the hell, man? The Russian kid.
He's gone.
Are you making a documentary? I'm sorry.
It's just every time I see you, you seem to be filming something.
Oh, you know what they say.
Camera never lies.
I'm kind of a private person.
You know, usually when someone says they're private, it means that they have a secret.
What's yours? Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.
[Twigs snapping] What? Look.
Who is that? - Anton? - Anton.
- Anton.
- Anton? What did you do? You lost him again? Look, he probably just wandered off to the bathroom or something.
Probably? If you two had [Anton screaming] Anton.
Alex: He had a bad dream last night.
He said he kept seeing a a tall man.
A tall man? Yeah, uh, it's his imaginary friend.
He's a kid, okay? Kids have nightmares.
Deb: It's more than just nightmares.
He's He's sleepwalking.
He's drawing things.
Did he say anything? Think! He said that the tall man told him to find him and that someone's gonna die.
- Why didn't you tell me this? - We didn't want you to worry.
So you make up some lie about an imaginary friend? Never mind.
We have to search.
Okay, split up.
Move fast.
He's 8 and scared.
He can't get far.
Anton: He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
He's here.
Found him! Someone took him, and it is your fault.
Amy: Alex is telling the truth.
I saw Anton in the woods the other day, and he was talking to himself.
There was no one there.
Isn't that sweet? The love birds stick together.
- Easy, Braces.
- She's Braces? - You told her? - Who the hell is Braces? Alex: Look, there was no one in the woods.
It was just a bad dream.
So, no one's seen anyone wander onto the camp? There's a drug dealer in town.
The Crowley kid, Damon, he's been busted selling drugs in these woods before.
He's a real creep.
- And he's tall.
- Find him.
Get him out of my camp.
Let us get back to normal.
Damon Crowley.
Are you sure? You want me to come with you? No, I got it.
I know where to find him.
I will deal with the two of you later.
Someone let him out of their sight.
One of you is going down for this.
[Clears throat] Can I help you with something, Alex? Yeah, uh, I just wanted to let you know that today will be my last day working here.
It was you.
- Two-faced.
- [Dialing] Not so sure I would do that, Tom.
Yeah, well, you're not the one calling the shots here.
Actually, I am.
You remember our little friend Nadia, right? Yeah, well, right now she's in front of your house, where you live with your, uh, wife and daughters? And she's got a video tape.
Security footage of what went down with you guys right here in this office.
You wouldn't.
Well, that all depends on you.
You see, I just got a new job working at my old summer camp.
And I want to present an image of success when I go back.
So that's where we could help each other.
You see, I keep Nadia quiet, and in return, you let me come in and peruse the racks from time to time.
This is extortion.
It's my American Dream.
Oh, and Nadia, she's gonna need her job back.
- She needs it to get her citizenship.
- [Sighs] Why are you doing this to me? Huh? You know, someone once told me that if you want something in this world, you have to take it.
And he was right.
Hey, calm down, man.
Don't tell me to calm down.
We let him go.
We're both going down for this.
We're screwed, man.
We're screwed.
Anton: I'm scared.
I can't sleep.
Uh, everything's gonna be okay, buddy.
All right? [Indistinct conversation] Hey, w-what are you looking at? Nothing.
[Clears throat] [Heavy metal music blaring on radio] [Laughter] You always did love this spot, didn't you, Damon? You remembered.
How sweet.
Well, trouble is, now that the camp's reopened, you're trespassing on private property.
I'm not hurting anybody.
Is that so? See, I've got a boy, came back from these woods all freaked out.
Said a tall man led him to a pile of rocks by the east end of the lake.
Said somebody was going to die.
We haven't seen any kids tonight.
[Sighs] Must have the wrong tall man.
Maybe not.
Come on.
You're coming with me.
- You arresting me? - No.
You haven't committed a crime, but you do meet the description of a child kidnapper, so I'm taking you in for questioning.
You coming? Happy to help, Deputy.
[Keys jangle] Man: [Distorted] What you are now experiencing is the true nature of the universe you know.
Haven't you ever seen the truth as revealed? [Speaking indistinctly] [Breathing heavily] Blotter, what's wrong? I I don't know.
[Slowed, distorted] Blotter.
[Groaning] [Squelching] [Screaming] Go find it.
Go find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Anton: Find it.
Go find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
Find it.
[Bones rattle] [Breathing heavily] Found it! I found it! Ha! It's real! [Pounding on door] Deb! Deb! It's Blotter.
He's, uh he's having some kind of freakout.
He was right! I found it! I found it! He was right.
He was right.
He was right! I-I found it.
He's there.
I found him.
Anton's Tall Man.
Blotter, I just got off the phone with Deputy Sykes.
He has the Tall Man at the station.
No, that's not the Tall Man.
He He's right He No.
I-It was here.
I-I swear.
I-I swear, it was buried right here.
Your eyes.
The drug dealer Damon.
That's why he was here in the first place, for you.
N-No, no.
No, no, no.
No, this is crazy.
I-I-I don't do acid.
You think I don't know what "Blotter" means? I was a counselor in the '70s.
I-I don't even inhale.
I-I still play D&D.
Alex, tell her.
Tell her! I want you packed up and gone by 9:00 a.
You let him go? We have nothing to hold him for.
There's no proof Damon was mixed up with that boy.
I know him, and so do you.
He's up to something.
Yeah, well, I need more than "something.
" Okay.
Keep an eye on him.
Find me your "something," and we can take action.
But today, he walks.
It was a productive night, Damon.
The kid was right.
It was there.
Damon: Good news, boys.
It has begun.
All that stuff with Blotter's pretty screwed up, huh? [The Replacements' "Within Your Reach" plays] Tell him goodbye for me.
I could live without so much What are you gonna do? My parents are in Europe till August, so, uh, I got time to figure it out.
Well, we'll miss you.
Sun keeps risin' in the west I want you to have these.
I keep on wakin' fully confused I've never seen no mountain Gonna miss you in Cabin 10, buddy.
Never swam no sea Buddy? [Chuckles] You dosed me.
You were the only one who knew about the acid.
All right, look.
I understand you're upset.
Yo, Newbie.
You think he actually cares about? He'll do anything to get what he wants.
But, hey.
You You got the girl.
I can't live without your touch Congrats, bro.
Cold without so much Hey.
Can die without a dream You don't actually believe him, do you? Actually, I do.
Live without your touch I'll die within your Funny how that worked out, huh? What did you do? Everyone disappoints you eventually.
I just gave her a friendly warning.
Turns out, I was right.
[Sighs] She's out of your way.
Now maybe you can help get her out of mine.
I've never seen no mountain [Laughter] Where's your Tall Man, Commie? [Laughter] Look at him.
He's gonna cry.
Hit the showers.
Not you.
Sit down.
[Clears throat] I have a secret, too.
The Tall Man he said it's only just begun.
[Sighs] [Breathing heavily] Oh, my God.

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