"Nope, your likes aren't weird. They're just unique and I'm pretty sure you'll find your partner soon enough!" Nami cheerfully exclaimed with a goofy smile which made Keiichi smile a bit as well.

"And he might notice your love for him as well, Nami-chan!" Keiichi teased her by mentioning her crush's name. She has a crush on this guy since a long time and I'm pretty sure you know who they're talking about.

"Yeah yeah. It doesn't really matter though. As long as I have my best friends, I couldn't care less about having a boyfriend. You know, bros before hoes." She explained and made a peace sign with her hand to show that she was serious about it.

"And plus, I've got a dance competition next week as well." She sighed as she thought about it. Don't get her wrong, she loves dancing. But practicing everyday can sometimes put stress on your body and the person might get sick by the time of the performance.

She knows the pain of not being able to dance just because of one stupid mistake and she was sure to never make that mistake again as long as she danced, which is forever.

"Which style is it this time?" Keiichi wondered and the girl just grinned at his question. "Jazz." She answered with a sigh of happiness. Is there even a sigh of happiness?

"You really love dancing, Nami-chan. You've been serious about dancing since you were a little girl." He told her with a genuine smile. She is his neighbour since the last 10 years and they've been together through everything.

"Yes. I lo~ve dancing! It's the best thing to ever happen to me! After you guys, of course." She giggled and soon, they both have reached Seiryo High School.

"Ah! Tsuyopon!" Keiichi waved at the blue haired guy, Naoe Tsuyoshi, as he too was walking inside they school at the same time they were.

"Oh. Good morning." He replied emotionlessly and with a wave. He was the quiet kind of person but to his best friends, he was an important part of their life.

"Morning, Tsuyoshi!" Nami exclaimed and smiles at the tall male. "I hope this year brings you a girl who truly loves you!" She wished him with a cheeky grin before running off to where Shiori and Seina were.

"Tsuyopon! Don't you think that Shiori-chan might be interested in you?" Keiichi asked him with an evil grin on his face as Tsuyoshi sighed at his behavior.

"No, Keiichi. She is not interested in me. Even though...."

"Sei-chan! Shio-chan!" Nami yelled just before she stopped running and hugged the Matsunaga sisters tightly before letting them go and greeting Tomoya.

"Good morning, Tomo-kun~!" She exclaimed cheerfully and smiled at the red haired flirt. She tried her best to prevent her cheeks from getting red and somehow she managed to do it.

"Morning, Nami-chan~!" Tomoya replied with a flirty grin as he patted her head and she slapped his hand away as soon as he touched her hair.

"Don't. Touch. My. Hair. It takes time to get it right!" She yelled at her as he laughed and walked over to the guys who seemed to be discussing something important....rather, it looked important but he was pretty sure that it was non sense like usual.

"I missed you both!" Nami exclaimed as she hugged the both of them once again. "Yes yes. We missed you too." Shiori said and pulled away from the hug.

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