Chapter One

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So this is the official first chapter. Please enjoy.

Ali's POV

Hello, I'm Ali Marie Locksley. As I'm sure you know, my parents are Regina and Robin. I don't know my father, he died when I was barely a month old. My mother says he was a good man. I choose to believe her, but only because my sister, Savannah, had to of gotten her goody two shoe act from him. I'm like my mother, sassy and just a little darker than the rest, but Savannah, is not.

I don't blame my mother for her past, she did what she did with good reason. And I don't think my father's death was either of their faults either, it was Hades yes, but others had a hand in it too. That damned pirate, he got his happy ending and my father didn't. I believe it's just not fair. I don't interact with that side of the family, not Emma, or hook, even their children Liam and Claire, non of them. Mom says it's wrong of me to treat my family like this but I honestly don't care. I do talk to them, when they come into the diner I usually serve them. But other than that, I keep away.

Yes, I work at granny's. I've been here for four years now. I started freshman year of high school. I'm a senior now. Speaking of school, I had my last day before spring break today. It's been a good day so far, too bad I have to work... Let the irrigation begin.


I walk into the diner thirty minutes before my shift starts. Ruby owns granny's now, she has ever since granny's passing six years ago. It was a sad time for all of us.

Ruby greets me when I walk into the kitchen. She's a good friend of mine.

"Hello, Ruby." I say putting on my apron and signing in.

"Ali, have you seen Regina at all today?"

"Not since this morning. Why?" I ask confused on why Ruby, the person who hardly ever talks to or about my mother, is asking about her.

"Well, you're eighteenth birthday is coming up, which means the eighteenth anniversary of well.. You know.. So I was wondering how she is doing?" She looks at me with soft eyes.

"Oh.. Yes... I almost forgot." I look down. "I'll keep an eye on her. Thank you." I say walking out of the kitchen and rolling my eyes at the same time. Ruby kinda gets on my nerves, she can't decide if she likes my family or not. I could care less either way.

Ten minutes before my shift starts, I decide to call mom.

The line rings twice then cuts off to the voice mail. Meaning, Regina purposely sent it there.

I sigh. Great.. That means I get to come home to an upset or crabby mother.. Whoo hoo!

After I set my phone down, Savannah, my fraternal twin sister, walks in. She works here too. Sadly, we work the same nights.

"Hey, sister." She smiles her little happy smile as she strides off into the kitchen.

I roll my eyes. "You're almost late.. Again." I whisper to myself.

I wonder if she's thought about mom. Probably, she's such a mommy's girl that it's not even funny. I'll call again later, right now, I have a job to get to.

I started waiting tables and taking orders, Savannah would bring out the food. Then we switch. I'm walking out of the kitchen with a tray of four plates in my hand, then I see them.. The Jones family. Great, just what I needed today.

I take them their food and do as usual, say hello and refill Hook's drink of sweet tea, then I leave. But today I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. Emma.

"Have you heard from Regina today?" She asks, obviously worried. Probably from the same reason as Ruby. But it's weird to have more than one person ask about her.

"No, I haven't. But I'm sure she's fine." I say walking away. Okay now I really want to call her again.

I take out my phone and call her. She still doesn't answer so I leave a voicemail.

"Mom, I'm worried... Call me back please."

I leave my phone on the counter as I go to take more orders. I get why she's being like this. I would be too if the anniversary of my soul mates death was only a month away. But this time, it's different.

She's gone though so much pain.. I just want her to be happy. Savannah, Henry, Roland, and I try our hardest to help her. But even though it's almost eighteen years later, its still very hard on her. I, myself, want to cause pain to anyone that's hurt her with this because she doesn't deserve it. That's why I don't like Emma or Hook. If they would have just kept their lives together, maybe, just maybe, my father would be here with me... Would be here to see me and my sister graduate, be here to walk be down the isle, everything a father and daughter should do but can't. I despise the Jones, if Emma would have just let Hook die, I would most likely still have my father. But nope, she just had to save him...Causing my parents to go to hell and meet the man who killed my father. Because Hades is dead, I'll have to settle for someone else to hurt...


Sooooooo here's the real first chapter lol. I hope it's okay, if not I wrote this at like 2 in the morning. Please leave feedback!
-Jazz ❤

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