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Chapter Two- The First Day

Brody's Point of View

I had been watching Ina sleep for a while, looking incredibly innocent and sweet. Her untamed red hair covered her face partially and acted like a source of warmth by the way it covered her child like frame.

'She is really small...and fragile. I wonder how long she's been like that...'

Ina began to stir in front of me and I left the room so she would feel alone when she awoke.

'She is never alone, so she's probably scared when she is.'

I heard her mumbling to herself quietly, probably unsure of what to think.

'I only kidnapped the most beautiful and beloved girl in Silent Winds. People will search long and hard for her, but after a month or two, they'll give up.'

I came to the conclusion that for the time being, I had to hide her in the hidden basement for a while until the investigation slows.

I walked back into the room where the girl was sat cross legged rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Follow me." I said in a cold voice. She visibly shivered and I kept a stoic facade on so she'd feel isolated.
"Where are we going?" Her voice was sweet, like a child's, and it was mine. Everything about her was mine now.

I ignored her and dragged her down into the basement through a trap door under one of my couches. She didn't protest, she just carried on looking around in awe until we reached the room I'd be keeping her in.

"You will stay here okay? I'll bring food down in the morning that will last you the day. Don't try to escape, it'll end badly for your precious little family." She clenched her fists and teeth and closed her eyes to calm herself down.

I chuckled.
"Oh, and feel free to be as loud as you please, these walls are sound proof. You will stay down here for a while until the police's investigation on you runs cold. Then you'll stay with me upstairs again."

She looks down at her feet that pointed inward adorably. "Why are you doing this?" The question came out in a soft whisper.

I smirked. "Because no one else can have you. You are all mine forever now." Tears pooled in her eyes as fear came upon her face.

"Are you going to use that way? Are you going to torture me?" I cackled bitterly at her fear and innocence.

"I may do both of those things as I please." And with that, I walk away just as the sobs start falling freely from her delicate pink lips.

I slam the metal door of the room behind me and lock it in several places, taking pleasure in her little squeal of fear as the loud noise rang out.

Ina's Point of View

I cry into a cream coloured pillow that was thrown lazily onto the single bed in the corner of the dark room. It was lit only by a candle that Brody had so kindly left for me.

"At least my school bag is here. I can read and doodle for a while." I mutter to myself, thanking Brody for giving me some way to not be as bored as an abandoned book.

'I just realised how stupid my saying up there is....' I giggle to myself, trying to hide my emotional pain with comedic remarks.

I begin to draw a girl in a forest, communicating with all the wild life.
'That reminds me, I'm going to miss all of my art lessons. That makes me sad...'

I eye the lunch box in my bag, remembering that there was a rosy red apple in there, just awaiting its duty.

'Its duty of replenishing my hunger.' I chuckle and bring the apple to my lips before taking a huge bite from it.

"Oh how I love my apples." I say with a mouth  full of apple.

I was thinking 'maybe this won't be so bad' and then I realised how incredibly alone I was. I was still wearing my outfit from the day before, and was missing home even more.

'Mother won't have a little model to test her outfits on...' I shake the thoughts away and decide that one of my notebooks would now be a diary. It had twelve hundred pages of lined paper so it was perfect for keeping reach of what goes on.

After writing for what felt like only minutes, but was actually several hours,  I jumped at the sound of the locks on the door opening up and the loud bang of the door opening.

"Brody?" I whisper yelled.

Brody's tall figure walked into the room, holding a big bag of what looked like clothes and other things like toiletries.

"I see you have been keeping busy. That's quite a lot of writing you've done there, Ina."
I looked down at my hands and noticed a red mark on my fingers from where I had written so much.

"It didn't feel like I had written much. How was school?" He chuckled heartily.

"A lot of people are missing you and so many kids were off school looking for you. The police have already started looking for a body, so you might come upstairs sooner than we thought, my dear." He said the last part sarcastically and I giggled nervously.
"Anyway, I got a bunch of girl stuff here for you, but the clothes are mine-"

I cut him off.
"Is my mother okay? And what about Jake? Has your father got people looking for me?"

"My father? What's he got to do with you?" He frowns and I shiver internally.

"Um, didn't you know my father died protecting him? He takes care of my family due to my father's sacrifice..." Brody threw the bag at me and shook his head.

"My father is fine with me keeping you here, so long as you are looked after and kept alive. Two things in which I'm more than willing to keep my word to."



So a little shorter than the last one, but I just wanted to get this up because paranoia or something that my readers (if I have any) will be angry at the lack of updates. Also, feel free to comment any ideas or feedback. I welcome both things.

Thanks for reading and stick with me if you can. Xxxx

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