Landing, he used the smoke cover to run in, throwing a roundhouse kick at Lavender. Blocking it, Lavender quickly swing her tonfa at Amarinthine.

Ducking, Amarinthine swept a leg under her feet, knocking her down. "You missed." He smirked. Rolling her eyes, Lavender was quick to respond, setting a forcefield up to push him back, taking it down a few moments later.

Flipping, Amarinthine threw another chakram. However, as Lavender moved to avoid it, the chakram split, one half finding its way to her.

Letting the momentum from the hit spin her, Lavender shifted one tonfa into its pistol form, shooting at Amarinthine. As he ran away, he threw an ice chakram at the ground, and a wall of ice rose up.

Jumping from behind the wall, Amarinthine pulled out another gravity chakram, using this one to propel himself towards his sister. Punching her in the face, he rolled forward, throwing another ice chakram as he stood up.

Lavender blocked it with a forcefield, turning her other tonfa into a pistol. Shooting, Amarinthine stepped back, grinning at the sound of the bullets hitting the wall instead of him. "Come on, is that the best you can do?" He said, another smug grin splitting his face. Throwing chakram at the opposite wall, it split into three, forming steps for him to run up.

Jumping off, he threw another kick at Lavender, who hadn't said anything in response to his earlier comment (much to Amarinthine's disappointment).. Recovering fast, Lavender swing one of her tonfas, which was now back to its regular form, unable to suppress a small smile as it hit its target.

However, Amarinthine recovered just as fast, catching Lavender's arm as she tried to punch him and flipping her, quickly putting her in an armbar.

However, the creak of the door made them both pause, weapons dropping. Turning, Amarinthine and Lavender saw their foster parents standing at the door.

"I hate to interrupt you two, but the airship arrives in five minutes." Agni, their mother, smiled.

"Don't worry, we already finished packing!" Lavender said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Right, Amarinthine?"

Amarinthine only glared at her as he rushed back inside to stuff a few more things in his bag, leaving a laughing Lavender behind.

A few moments later, he was back out, and the four began their walk to the docks.

"Excited?" Ciro asked, grinning at the two that he had taken in four years ago. So much about them had changed, but the same determined light still remained in their eyes. But after all, after all they had gone through, he couldn't really blame them.

"Definitely!" Amarinthine exclaimed, and Lavender nodded. "Being there, with so many other hunters and huntresses, being on a team..."

His words trailed off as they reached their destination, the airship just arriving.

"Don't get into too much trouble, you two." Agni said, wrapping her arms around the siblings.

"I won't! Not sure that I can say the same for Amarinthine, though." Lavender laughed, earning herself a light smack from her brother.

Saying a few last goodbyes, the two stepped on, the doors closing behind them.


The moon shone brightly as Rosemary ran through the grass, smiling at the glowing stars above her. The grass tickled her bare feet, and a feeling of freedom swept through her as her laugh faded away into the breeze. It was times like these when she could almost-

"Roseeee-mary!" The voice of her best friend and adoptive sister snapped Rosemary out of her dream. Groaning, she rolled over, sliding out of her bed as Livana hummed happily in the background.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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