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He was standing there. Just... Standing. And... Laughing? What was he laughing at? Was he laughing at me? No.. He didn't even know I was here.

Then, I followed his line of sight. He was staring at a mural. A mural of dead memes. HIS mural. On it, featured all of his previous films. 50 first dates, bully Maddison, jack and Jill and grown ups. But there, taking up a small up a small section of the top right corner was harambe? That sick bastard. He laughed at harambe, categorised him as a dead meme. How DARE he.

His green hair shook as he laughed. I walked up to him quietly. My footsteps full of edge. "Kill yourself" I told him. It was done.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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