Chapter 21 - Round Two

Start from the beginning

"Wouldn't think of it," I reply, continuing with my pull-ups.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for a fight," I answer, stepping down onto the platform.

"Well, I've never known you to need to get ready for a fight. I thought it was a natural state. Don't let Rumplestiltskin get you down, love,"

I jump down onto the floor, "What do you want?"

"To give you something," I frown as he walks over to a chest. He retrieves a key from his coat, and unlocks the chest, "You know, Baelfire and I once spent a lot of time together,"

"He was always Neal to me," I say.

"Yeah. Right," He says, and takes a sword from the table, "This was his,"

I grab the sword, "I didn't realise you were sentimental."

"I'm not. I just thought you could use it where we're going. You know, to fight," he passes me a shot glass, filling it with rum.


"To Neal," he says.

"To Neal," I repeat, and we knock back the rum.

He excuses himself briefly, disappearing into what must be his quarters. I look at the sword, trying not to get too emotional. When this is over, I want to know what Neal and Hook did when they spent their time together. I hear Hook's footsteps, and turn to look at him. He's frowning and I see him holding a piece of folded paper in his hands.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's a letter. I recognise the handwriting, but it's addressed to you and the Queen. I decided not to look," he says and hands it to me.

I take it, and open it up, reading the curly handwriting:

Dear Emma, Regina, Snow and Charming,

If you're reading this, I'm gone. You're probably wondering where I am. I'm fine. I'm safe. I would have told you what my plan is in person, but I can't risk it.

After Hook returned and supposedly gave you back the magic bean in the Diner, I realised that I can't go with you. The risk of whether the diamond will be deactivated or not is too high. There's also the fact that most of the town want to return to the Forest, but I need to go back to Neverland. One magic bean is obviously not enough. I had to be selfish. Earlier today, I went out on a boat, and I found my ship that had been shipwrecked during the curse. Regina can explain in more detail. I dived down, and on the ship I found two magic beans stashed in a compartment in my Captain's quarters. On Pan's orders, I was sent to retrieve something, and he provided me with four beans - I had used two travelling from Neverland to the Enchanted Forest. After the curse was broken, I remembered about the beans and I made it my mission to find the ship. And I did. I made a promise to Regina, to Henry, and to myself that I would keep Storybrooke and all the children safe from Pan. I've taken my beans, and a boat, and I'm leaving. Don't worry about me. I'll be back soon. I'll make sure to negotiate with Pan so I'm free, and to make sure Storybrooke stays untouched by him. Even though the chances are slim, you'll see me again.

I stop reading as soon as I see Hook's name, "The next bit is for you," I say and hand it to him. He frowns, snatching it and reading it hurriedly.

Hook, if you're reading this, you must be confused, but it also means you're helping Emma and Regina and the rest of them. Thank you for that. I have a lot of explaining to do, I know, but I need you to do something for me. Please don't come looking for me. Please don't come to Neverland. You spent so long escaping, I don't want you to end up back here. I know you don't trust Pan and you're most likely thinking that this is the last time anyone will hear from me, but Pan is different with me. He listens to me. He'll negotiate with me, and if he won't choose to, I'll force him to. I've kept up my end of the deal, and I've got what he wanted me to get. Again, please don't come for me.

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