"You know, you should be thankful you even have a father. A father generous to easily hand you $10,000, a father who loves you. Yes they kicked you out, but at least your mother isn't on the verge of dying and your father didn't leave because he couldn't handle the responsibilities. He left my sick mother fighting her battles on her own, he left us" Harry mutters as his eyes began tearing up.

I become speechless. How can he remain so positive after everything his been through? I've been such a bitch to him, and he hasn't cracked open with frustration.

"Just be grateful, please. Don't take them for granted" Harry exclaims as he walks into his room, slightly slamming the door.

A few hours have past and I've been keeping myself busy by unboxing these cardboard boxes, asserting my belongings neatly. I don't even know where to put half of my clothes. I hear a subtle knock from my door, I get up from the squeaky wooden floor and open the door.

"Hey Chanel, sorry about earlier. I was just wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee or something? Let's go to the cafe downstairs, my shout" Harry smiles.

"Yeah alright, I'd really go for a trenta-sized, no foam, five-shot, half-caff pumpkin spice latte at 210 degrees" I exclaim as I think about the mouth-watering beverage.

"210 degrees? First of all, that's really hot and what in earth is a trenta?" He asks in confusion.

"Did I ask for your statement? You Lower-east side people don't know anything, a trenta is the largest sized cup for lattes. Anyway, I didn't see a starbucks downstairs. How delusional and unintelligent are you?" I exclaim.

"Yeah because there isn't a Starbucks downstairs. I don't know if you realised but Starbucks isn't the only cafe here in Manhattan. The cafe downstairs is called "Bean there, Drank that". Get it? A coffee bean? Been there, done that? Funny isn't it?" He laughs.

"That sounds utterly revolting" I roll my eyes as I follow Harry downstairs to the cafe.

We enter the cafe and lined up. "Good evening, Welcome to Bean There, Drank that. What would you like to or-" I rudely interrupt the barista.

"Save the sweet talk, I'll have trenta-sized, no foam, five-shot, half-caff pumpkin spice latte with again, no foam at 210 degrees" I smile.

"210 degrees? That's two degrees below boiling point" The female barista questions as she strangely glares at me, still managing her fake smile.

"I'm sorry, did I enter a wormhole to a universe where this coffeehouse does not posses the technology to heat my favourite autumnal tradition to 210 degrees?" I furiously yell.

Harry's eyes widen and mutters in my ear "Stop making a scene over a pumpkin spice latte, you psychopath".

"I like my pumpkin spice lattes extra hot, so please comply with my request". The barista falsely smiles and gulps as she begins taking Harry's order.

"Sir, what would like to order?" My head fumes, is it really that hard to make a pumpkin spice latte to 210 degrees? Harry finishes ordering his coffee and pays the barista. We begin waiting for our drinks on the right-side of the counter.

"Chanel, you need to be more respectful, manners would be lovely too" Harry mentions as we wait for our drinks.

"Well, she shouldn't be questioning my order in the first place". The female barista yells out Harry and I's order.

"About time! Thank you, coffee donkey" I snatch the pumpkin spice latte out of her hand and take a sip from the drink.

"Ugh! You burned the milk" I chuck the latte on the ground causing it too splash all over the floor.

"Learn how to make a pumpkin spice latte! Next time, I'll get you fired". I walk out the cafe as Harry helps the barista clean the mess I made.

"Chanel, yelling at that lady is one thing but causing a scene and throwing your latte on the ground? That wasn't necessary. I rarely say this to people and I profusely apologise if I offend you but you're an awful person, you're in fact the worse human being I've ever encountered" Harry mentions in the nicest way possible, trying not to hurt me by his "hurtful" words.

"Thank you, in fact the worse thing I've ever encountered is your hair. When was the last time you had a haircut?" I laugh as he walks back upstairs to our apartment.

"Hey! Wait up, I was only joking" I roll my eyes, trying to catch up to him.

A/N: Idk I feel this chapter was boring but trust me, it'll get more intriguing. Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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