Chapter 1

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As I walk in the door to my house, I run upstairs when I see my parents on the couch.

"Alice can you com-" my mom said but gets cut off as i keep going up. 

 "Sorry mom, I have a lot of homework, so I'll talk to you later" I close and lean against the door to shut her out. I go to my bed and lay down. My cat Pepper,  jumps on my back and sniffs me. 

"Hi Pepper, now can you please get off me?" I say as she rubs her head against me. I sigh as I turn over and she falls off then meows in protest. I stand up and start to become lightheaded.

"Whoa..." I lay back down when I start to feel dizzy. Realizing that my lightheadiness wasn't going away,I desided to play some tunes when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in" I say as I hide my hand while my mom walks in and looks at me. She then walk over and feels my head. 

"Are you really okay sweetheart? You're getting warm!" She keeps feeling my head until I move her hand.

"I'm fine what was it that you want?" I ask sit up somehow feeling very tired. She pulls away and looks me up and down to make sure I'm fine. Eventually, she nod and smiles. 

"What do you want for dinner?" She asks,still examining me with her eyes carefully.

"Umm can we have pizza or hamburgers?" I ask as I grab my phone trying to act normal while hiding my other hand.

"Sure I'll go get some" She nod as she walks out my room.

I stand up and sigh as walk to my bookcase. As I get to the bookcase feel a wave of dizziness hits me again as I grab something to keep steady before I fall or faint. Pepper starts to rub her body against my feet as she purrs. Her kind , loving nature faded as she hissed and growled at me.

"I know Pepper something's is very wrong." I go to the bathroom to clean my hand and take a small peak at myself in the mirror. As I stare at myself and try notice what's wrong. I look close and cover my mouth from screaming when I notice my eyes are a bright crimson almost to the color red.  I take out my contacts and grab my glasses to make sure I'm not going crazy. I put my glasses on and stare into my eyes to confirm that they are crimson. 

"The eyes that are stare back at me are not mine I'm crazy, I'm just seeing thing, I might just be totally psycho from that dog bite."  I think as I back up to the wall and slide down it. Pepper walks closer to me but backs when I look at her.

"Pepper, what's wrong?" I reach for her and she sniffs me then back away hissing. I look at her surprised as I stand up and I look back at myself again and see the same crimson eyes that are so close to being a red "This is totally freaking me out," I start to freak out a little as I clean my hand with the bite. "What the hell is happening to me?" Once finishing cleaning it I grab some bandages from the cabinet and start to patch my hand up. I walk out and go back to my bed then lay down on it. I close my eyes and all of a sudden my head starts to pound. When I open my eyes my vision was different everything seems to be dull like it had less color. I sit up fast which made my head hurt more but I ignored it and stand I stumble a little try to keep from passing out. I walk over to my door and walk out then downstairs to see my mom coming up.

"Hey sweetie I was just coming to check on you well its time for dinner so please come down while I get your brothers," she said as she looks over me then starts to walk past me up the stairs and I keep her from seeing my eyes. As turn straight to the kitchen to avoid my dad hoping he would leave for work soon instead of staying for dinner for once. I notice 4 suitcases by the front door as my mom and brothers come down.

"Alice I was trying to tell you I'm going with your father on his business trip and your brothers are going out of town for a trip with their college so you're going to be home alone for 3 weeks." She says while I sigh and grab a slice of pizza. 

"You all have fun I won't have a party," I start to push them to the door "Don't worry about me I will be perfectly fine." I get them to the door with their bags and they start to walk to each of the cars they are taking.

"Ok but if you need anything all you have to do is call us or your brothers." My mother says as kisses my head then goes to the car. They all drive off and I close the door then lean against it with a small sigh. Pepper walks up to me while I slide down the door.

"What the hell is happening to me pepper?" I pet her soft loving body as she rubs against me while the sun starts to set for the day.

//hello people who read my story (even if it's one person) I'm trying my best on grammar and spelling so if you see a mistake please help me out but I will try to post as much as I can of this story//

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