Chapter 1: Annie's Dreams

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"Julianna and Katie, after we make you come home from the 'hospital' you'll film for your channels!" Coach Mary yells, in the same room as us. We vlog me coming home and I do the "room tour". "Hey guys it's Annie and welcome back to AcroAnna! Today I'll be doing a room tour for our gymnastics boarder for the year, and so will Katie! Go check out her new channel, Flippin Katie Fun!" I give the tour. Our room is mint green, with hard wood flooring, and black polka dot decals and a gold stripe on one wall. It has the head of me and Katie's bunk bed, and our nightstand right next to it. On our nightstand is a blue alarm clock. Our bedding is mint green and black polka dotted comforters, white sheets and throw pillows. I have a YouTube one, a cheetah print mint green one, a gold and white monogram patterned one, and one that says, 'gymnast' in blue letters, and Katie has the same. Then next to that, so it looks nice we a have an organizer with those candy things on top. In the organizer, is Bath&Body Works things and in the bottom drawers are make-up. Obviously this is all for show. We have to clean, dust and vacuum our rooms everyday and all make tours on our channels. Or we get beaten. Across from that is the wall that has our gymnastics stuff on it. There is built in cubbies which have sliding doors. The bottom one has leo's. The top one has scrunchies, beam shoes, grips, and heel cups. On that wall, next to the built in's, we have a small bin, with hair products, and nail polish. Then on the wall next to both of those, is a bulletin board with pictures of our family, friends and pictures of us(Katie and I)hugging, before this gym went downhill and this is what it became. Anyway under that is two desks with fluffy mint green comfy chairs. We have a laptop on either desk, an(extra) iPhone 6s and tumblr af decor and school supplies. They made sure to make everyone wanna watch so we have pop-sockets and really cool cases, from PINK. We also have water proof ones. Then on the the other wall we have a couch, which is white with gold pillows and next to that we have a locker which we decorated and store stuff in. Then on the opposite side of the couch, we have a door. It's our bathroom which is really big. It has our closet built into it. Then back in our real room, we have a sign above our bed that says 'Stay Hopeful' and we do. Before you say our lives aren't that bad and were spoiled and woah why would they give us that room. Well it's all for show. They are pretending it's our boarding room at Gymscool for a year. Really were being abused and tortured. People will want to watch and that brings the Coaches money and fame. They do use the money for things like this and fake sets and other things. Although, Katie and I have a secret. We don't have a beating room. We get to use the hallway. We don't care because then no blood stains on the wood, and easier vlogs and tours. Coach Kim walks by. "Mary will see you for your daily beating in 1 minute." She cackles. Sure enough 1 minute later she walks up to Katie and I. "You have filmed and edited and uploaded but not enough views yet so you still get beaten!" She yells, in conquer. She does Katie first. She hits her armand slaps her stomach. She punches her again in the stomach and throws a glass bottle at her hip. Then she moves onto me. She hits me in the hip with the broken glass and slaps my back. She stops and moves on to the others. I help Katie up. "Annie, Annie I can't move. It hurts way too much." She says. I pick her up and carry her on my back to our room. "Katie what hurts?" I ask lying her on the bottom bunk, her bed. "My s-s-s-stomach she cut it with the glass!" She yells. I scramble to our secret very small fridge in our locker and get her an ice pack. "Annie, please tell me you had a dream that we would break out, or something?" She pleads. "Nope just one with Mia, she's out for Via!" I say. Katie's eyes water. "Annie I'm good lets vlog so we won't get even more beaten." She says and we do. "Hey guys, it's Annie and Katie, so we are just chilling and we are actually going to gym soon!" I say holding both of our cameras. We get on matching blue and purple leo's and get ready. We run to the gym and work on skills. Katie and I both get our 1&1/2 on floor. At least we still do real gymnastics and that's our escape. We practice our yerchankos and quickly put on our normal clothes and grab our daily behavior tests to show, if we get an F, we get no dinner. You either get an A or an F. Everyone except for Elliyah, TJ and a girl Hayley's age named Hannah, get F's. We all eat then run back to our rooms. Katie and I get our pajamas on. "Annie, dream hard tonight, for me, for you, for Hayley, so we can leave." Katie pleads, then hugs me. The bunk bed is wide so I fall asleep in hers with her. It feels good to see my best friend cares. I drift off and dream.
I'm in a cage, but there is a crack. Katie and Hayley are next to me. "Soon Annie, wait I'll be here soon, and sweeter than you want it be." Katie says, and suddenly a lollipop is in my hand. "Annie, soon, you will not feel the physical pain, just the mental pain of the past. But don't worry, your room is coming with you. It's special, like you!" Hayley says. I wonder what she meant by my room is coming with me? Maybe it is, metaphorically.

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