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Banishing-The ability to cast someone out and forbid them from returning.
Beaming-A from of teleportation used by Cupids and Cupid-Witches.
Black-Orbing-A form of Teleportation used by Darklighters and Darklighter-Witches.
Black Telekinetic Orbing- The ability to teleport objects through the use of Black orbs.This power is used by Darklighter-Witches.
Blinking-Aform of instant teleportation activated by thinking of a location and blinking the eyes,used by warlock.
Blood Boiling-The ability to increase blood temperature to a boiling point.
Body Insertion-The ability to physically transfer a person into someone else's heart and mind.
Bursting Balls-The ability to conjure a metallic sphere that combusts upon impact.

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