Chapter 1

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The Doctor was fiddling around with the TARDIS controls when he felt his phone vibrate. "Who could be texting me?" He asked in his English accent.

He looked down at his phone. "Oh no.. Clara.." He quickly put his phone in his pocket and pushed buttons and levers on the TARDIS causing the engine to hum alive. He pulls a larger lever and the TARDIS takes off .

"I'm coming for you Clara!" He shouted.

Clara opens her eyes softly and scans the room. Even though it was very dimly lit, she could make out a small window in the stoney wall about six feet from the ground.

"If I wasn't so short I could escape.." she muttered.

The green man walked in and turned on a bright floodlight above her.

"Hello," she greeted. She looked around again and saw that she was strapped to a hospital bed and there was a metal tray of surgical instruments next to her.

"I have a very good friend who won't be happy if you hurt me, so If I were you I'd let me go," Clara threatened.

The Man laughed. "My name is Jarrs, I am a human who has also been mutated. The man who hurt that other woman was named Colton. Unfortunately I can't help you out because the green men are coming to kill me as we speak." He came into the light as he spoke and Clara could see from his blue eyes that he was not an evil man.

"Hopefully my friend will come and save you.." Clara whispered.

Just then angry voices came from down the hall and green men with red eyes filled the room and put a noose around Jarrs as they dragged him away.


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