Following, was Harry's family and Trinity and Gemma had a ten minute conversation about how Trinity can grow her hair out as long as Gemma's to which Niall literally pulled her away, promising that they'd have more time later to talk. Zayn's family was next and she could tell that she meant something to that family more than the others (she's assuming it's due to the whole baba thing). Last but not least was Niall's family and Niall didn't even introduce them to her, as soon as they walked forward, Trinity ran to them and hugged them all with a big smile on her face. When she turned to look at Niall, she just shrugged with an, I know who they are. No need for introductions, then soon took her attention to Aedan, Theo's little brother, who was smiling from Denise's arms. Not much later, they walked away from Niall and Trinity and Niall's face lit up. Trinity knew why, this part was the most important introduction of them all, and she wasn't going to ruin that for him. So, she just stood beside Niall whilst he introduced Trinity to her uncles Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn, but Trinity cut him off as soon as the words left his mouth. "He's not my uncle." The five lads look at Trinity with a surprised look, but Zayn's quickly turned into a look of hurt. She smiled a little and finished her point. "I thought he was my baba. Not my uncle." Zayn's face lit up and he ran forward and lifted Trinity up to hug her tightly.

"I know Niall told you that, but it still is great to hear you say it." Zayn sets her down and soon the other three lads are hugging Trinity as well. They stay like that for a few minutes before a little voice breaks them apart.

"Dada, who dat?" Louis looks behind him and smiles at his daughter. He picks her up and sets her in front of Trinity.

"Loghan, this is your cousin Trinity. I told you about her earlier, remember?" Loghan nods and smiles widely at Trinity.

"Play dollies?" She lifts up a doll toward Trinity who smiles with a nod.

"Dolls? I haven't played with dolls for as long as I can remember, but yeah, I'll play dollies with you. As soon as I talk to your daddy okay?" Loghan nods her head, acting as if she knew exactly what Trinity said before walking back over to where her brother is. Louis walks over and picks both of them up before introducing Trinity to the identical twin.

"This is Samuel, but he likes to go by Sammy. He won't answer if you call him Samuel, unless it's with his middle name." Sammy gives Trinity a questioning look, he's quite suspicious for a three year old, but with a simple smile from Trinity, he giggles lightly. They are then accompanied by another toddler, Liam's little boy. Trinity, again, remembers what her dad told her, and smiles when Coen shyly looks toward her. Liam goes to tell Trinity about him, but Niall shakes his head. After a few seconds Coen smiles at Trinity and faces her completely. Though she is surprised by how they look in person, she does everything she can to not look surprised, so she won't startle Coen. She sits on the ground and the little ones soon follow her lead. She goes into stories about what she has done in Italy and even adds silly noises to get the kids to laugh. Everyone stares at her, and how she acts around kids, all glad that she's home. The lads pull Niall aside with a wide smile.

"How does it feel to have her home after so long, Nialler?" And honestly, words couldn't even begin to form how he feels about having his little girl home. He's just glad that she isn't freaking out about everyone being here. He's even more excited at the fact that the kids took a quick liking to her. It took Niall two weeks to even get Coen to look at him, but he's glad she's so easy with the kids.


The party lasts for a few more hours and Trinity spent most of her time with the kids, whilst everyone around her enjoyed seeing everyone again. By the time everyone has left, it's after midnight and all four of the kids are asleep on the floor. Louis, Liam, and Niall pick up their respected child before Niall offers all of them to stay the night, since he has the room. He takes Trinity to her room and tucks her in before kissing her forehead and walks over to the door. Before he closes it, he takes a moment to appreciate this memory and smiles.

"Good night baby girl, I love you and I'm glad you're home." He closes the door lightly and walks down the stairs, missing Trinity turn over and stares at the place her dad just stood. She hops out of bed and quietly runs down the hallway, hoping she doesn't get lost, and soon finds herself at a balcony over looking the sitting room. She stands there quietly listening to her family talk.

"I'm glad she's home mate. I don't know how much longer I could have stood the silence treatments from you." Harry says.

"Yeah," Louis agrees. "I thought you just stopped caring about everything. Eli and I were getting worried for a whilst. Sammy and Loghan even asked when they's see their Uncle Niall again." Liam nods his head in agreement, but doesn't say anything because Niall already knows that Coen missed his Unca Nee." Zayn, on the other hand, sits silently on the couch, just listening to everyone. Niall picks this up and questions him, but all Zayn does is shake his head. Trinity quietly walks down the stairs, but Harry turns toward the stairs to see her.

"Hey Cupcake, we thought you were asleep." Everyone turns to Trinity who just shrugs lightly.

"I was, but I didn't say goodnight and thank you." Louis tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"Thank you? For what? Niall just put you to bed." Trinity shakes her head.

"No, thank you for not giving up on me. I'm glad I have you lads as family." She walks over to Niall and hugs him tightly. "And I'm even more happy to have you as my dad. I love you."

"I love you too baby girl." Trinity yawns and rubs her eyes with her fist. "Someone's tired. Why don't you go to bed?" She smiles lightly at them.

"Sing me to sleep?" Trinity soon finds herself back in her bed with her five favourite people standing around her.

"What do you want us to sing?" Trinity gives Zayn a knowing look and he just smiles before starting the song.

"There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go and no place to call home. My only friend, was the man in the moon, and even sometimes, he would go away too." Liam picks up the next verse with a smile.

"Then one night, as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow flying high. He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for awhile. He said, 'Peter Pan-that's what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely.' And ever since that day," The rest of the boys join.

"I am a lost boy from Neverland. Usually hanging out with Peter Pan. And when we're bored, we play with in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook. 'Run, run, lost boy' they say to me. Away from all of reality." Niall sings the next part, Trinity's favourite part of the song.

"Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free. Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free." The rest of the song slowly becomes silent as Trinity starts to fall asleep. The boys stop singing and smile at Trinity before silently saying goodnight before leaving the room. They're all happy she's back home safe. Right where she belongs, with the five of them.


A/N Concert was great! Niall's voice and accent was to die for. Anyway, hope you like it.

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