The Battle of Hogwarts (Re-written)

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Harry was running through the corridors of Hogwarts, narrowly avoiding the fallen sections of ceiling that were threatening to crush him. The last Horcrux had been destroyed and Voldemort himself had entered the fight. He ran towards the Great Hall where all his friends stood, fighting for their lives. The memory of Fred's death was fresh in his mind and he wanted nothing more than to kill the man who was ultimately responsible.

'Tom Riddle!' he yelled as he ran into the hall.

'You dare!' Voldemort spat at Harry.

'Yes Tom, I dare' Harry replied calmly, his words echoing around the now silent hall.

Voldemort lifted his wand and yelled 'Avarda Kadarvra', just as Harry yelled his own spell, 'Carrotus Totallus'.

Voldemort's Green curse met Harry's orange one, but the stregnth of Harry's love for vegetables over powered the dark lord and Voldemort suddenly turned into a carrot. All of the Death Eaters screamed and ran away. It had been their careless mothers force feeding them vegetables that had turned them over to the dark side in the first place. That, and the promise of cookies and cool cloaks.

Soon Harry was overwhelmed by every one patting him on the back, everyone trying to touch and thank the boy who had defeated you-know-who.

'Sonorous!' Harry whispered, pointing his wand at his throat, causing his magically magnified voice to boom throughout the castle:

'Anyone up for a carrot pie?'

Why Harry Potter should eat Carrotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن