I'm a witch?!

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I started off as an ordinary day. I awoke up to the sound of the dishes being cleaned. I know my parents clean the dishes in the morning, but today I went to go help them. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, a knife flew past my head, just  missing me by inches. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mom what's happening?!" I screamed/asked.

"Oh, good morning Eleanor. David, come here. It was about time we told her," she called my dad over. "Honey, you are a witch," my mom explained.

"What?," a moment ago I was almost killed, now I want answers.

"Honey, you are not the only one. I'm a witch too. I'm a half-blood. You see my mom was a muggle and...."

"What's a muggle?"

"It's non-magic foke, but that doesn't matter. You are going to go to Hogwarts...."

"What's Hogwarts?"

"It's a school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Ok, when do I get to go?"

"We can go now.."

"Ok what are we waiting for? Lets go!"

"Wait, we have to use floo powder."


 "Ok so we can get robes, an owl, books, a cauderon, and a wand"

"Ohhhhh can I can my wand first?"

"Sure honey." 

I went into olivander's to choose my wand. I ended up geting beech with dragon core, fourteen and a quarter inches.

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