Chapter ♣ 1

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Promise ¥

I woke up to the sound of shuffling and stumbling outside the bedroom door. I started to panic as I knew he had came back. I looked over at the clock on the wall 3:35 a.m.

I quickly laid back down and pulled the covers over my head.  I wasn't in the mood to deal with his bi-polar ass but I knew I had no other choice. I'll just pretend to be sleep.

I heard his footsteps come and stop at the door and then the sound of the door slightly creaking open. I heard him slip off his shoes and then walk over to the bed.

I felt the bed dip and him pull me close to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. I immediately tensed at his touch trying to pull away but he just pulled me back.

"Don't act like that baby. I know you missed me." he said whispering into my ear. I rolled my eyes and didn't say one word. I could smell alcohol on his breath and it made me sick to my stomach.

I pushed my face into my pillow to avoid his scent. I closed my eyes to try and go back to sleep as I soon heard his light snores. I gently took his arm from around me and scooted away from him, rolling onto my stomach and putting my arms underneath my pillows driffting back off into sleep.


I jumped at the loud sounds of thunder and glanced over at the clock rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. 10:27 a.m. I looked over my shoulder to see if he was still here and sure enough he was still knocked out.

I quietly got out the bed and walked to the closet to get dressed. I slipped on some jeans and a tighy fitting t-shirt before walking into the bathroom and freshening up.

Once I was done I came back out and saw he was still sleep. Now is my time to hurry and leave before he tries to ask where I'm going. I quickly grab my purse and umbrella and slipped on my shoes, slipping out of the room and into the living room.

I open the front door and lock it behind me walking to my car. I got in and started the engine pulling out of the driveway.

I don't know where I'm going but I just need to get away from here for a few hours. I already know he's gonna be blowing up my phone but I don't care. He can worry all he wants I don't give a damn. I got onto the highway and decided to go to the mall. Retail therapy always helps me forget about my problems.

I pulled up to the mall fifteen minutes later and parked. The mall had a small crowd not packed like usual I guess since its still early. I walked into a store and started browsing around. I was looking through some jewelry when someone caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.

He was tall and muscular, jet black curly hair and light buttery skin. He was just fine as fine could be. I felt like I shouldn't be looking at other men since I was in a relationship, but for some reason I just wanted to get his attention.

He glanced over at me staring and showed a nice smile, with his perfect pearly whites. I blushed and looked away looking back at the jewelry.

I noticed he was coming over towards me and I suddenly got nervous. I continued to act as if I was interested in the jewelry at the counter. "What's up? You are gorgeous." he stated smiling. "Thanks." I blushed. "What you doin all alone over here?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I giggled. He chuckled and looked into my eyes. His hazel eyes were tantalizing.

"I mean what's a pretty girl like you doin alone? You don't have any friends to shop along with?" he curiously asked. I shook my head. "No."

I didn't have any friends and the reason why is because they felt I didn't listen to them, about leaving the situation I was in. You would think no matter what your friends you've had for years, wouldn't judge because they never experienced it. But I guess you see who your friends really are after shit happens.

He gave a concerned look but then lightly smiled. "Well I'm sorry to hear that. I'm Amir." he said holding his hand out. "Promise." I smiled shaking his hand.

"Promise... That's unique. I like that." he smiled. I just nodded my head not knowing what to say. I've never been in this position in awhile, being nervous around a guy I find attractive.

"What you gettin into tonight? There's a party I'm hostin and I'd love for you to come." he smiled hoping for me to say yes. "I don't know. I would come but-"

"But what? Just say yes." he chuckled cutting me off. I smirked and shook my head. "Alright." I said. He smiled and handed me a flyer. "Here this is the place it's gonna be at. Just tell the bouncer Amir sent you."

I blushed and took the flyer from him. "Ok." "I hope to see you tonight. I'll be lookin out for ya." he smirked and looked me up and down. I  suddenly felt self conscious.  "See ya gorgeous." he said taking my hand and kissing it before walking away. I couldn't help but to feel like a little school girl with a huge crush.

I looked down at the flyer and then put it inside my purse. I went to a few more stores and shopped, trying to find an outfit for the night. But the only thing I could think of was how was I gonna get to this party tonight without 'him' finding out.

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