He nods his head yes causing me to sigh and groan. "Come on, I'll carry you there as I run as fast as I can." He beams at that.

I hoist him up on my back like a bag and tell Night to stay and guard the house while we're gone and head off to the school. I run as fast as I can, getting looks from strangers as I run, and barely feel Ogie at all. He's either very light weight or I'm super strong, I'm going with super strong because the other one's not good. We arrive at the school, which is more like a small adobe house with windows and a door, in record time. A man with dark chocolate skin and black hair escorts a woman in a beautiful red dress out and smiles at us, "You must be Ogie's mom, I'm Mr. Redrefce. Please, come on in."

He walks back inside and I look at Ogie skeptically, "Sure that's your teacher?"

"Yep." he replies with a smile.

I sigh and, hand in hand, we walk inside the "school". Inside the floor is made out of mud and instead of desk there's just long wooden tables that look like they could fall apart at any moment. There's a chalk board in the front of the room along with a wooden desk where Mr. Redrefce is sitting at, a two chairs across from him. He motions for Ogie and I to take a seat and we do.

"So, Mrs. Horge-"

"I'm not married." I interrupt and immediately regret it.

Mr. Redrefce looks at me confused, "Oh, I'm sorry for your lose."

"I was never married. Ogie is raised by my friends and I. We feed him, shelter him, clothe him, and we love him."

"Oh. Well that is very nice of you and your friends. Ogie," He looks at Ogie, "why don't you go and draw a picture for you to take home, while we talk?" Ogie smiles and runs off to the corner and gets out a piece of paper and crayons.


I look at Ogie's teacher. What do I say? I don't remember my name! "Kyra, Kyra Schmidt." I decide to go with the name that James keeps calling me and the last name 117's computer says I have.

"Ms. Schmidt, I'm concerned about Ogie."

That snaps me out of any train of thought I was having and instead focusing on the teacher. "What do you mean?"

"Well, how do I put this? Ogie is a very smart kid but he isn't that social."

How is that a problem? I'm not that social and get around just fine! Thank you very much.

"I think it might have to do with the other kids picking on him at the beginning-"

"What?" I yell. "What do you mean the other kids picking on him? Why wasn't I told about this?"

"Well I, the problem was taken care of so I thought that it wouldn't be necessary to get you involved in it." he stammers.

I stand up, completely ticked off, "How dare you! You shouldn't be expecting Ogie ever again here because we will be going for a school that will actually INFORM me on any problems with my kid! Good day!" I say so angrily that the teacher winces.

I walk over and take Ogie's hand and leave. We walk home in silence. I look straight forward while Ogie looks at me, trying to figure out what is going on in my head. Heck! I'd like to know what's going on in my head!

"259, what's wrong?" he asks in the sweetest voice possible.

I stop and narrow my eyes at him, "What's wrong is that you didn't tell me that you were being picked on!"

"I'm sorry 259, I just didn't want you to hurt them like how you hurt other bad guys."

"I would not have... Ok, maybe I would have. But that doesn't change the fact that you should have at least told me!"

He sniffs and tears start streaming down his face, "I know! I'm sorry, 259!" He raps his arms around my and buries his face into my shirt. I rap my arms around him and squeeze.

"Ogie, I want you to be safe and happy. I can't do that if you don't tell someone or something is bother you."

He sniffs and pulls away, "I'm sorry."

I smile, "Let's go home."

I take his hand and together, hand in hand, we walk all the way up the stairs and into the apartment room. Inside 117 is working on her laptop, 284 adding herbs to my soup, and 60 sharpening his knives. Ogie rushes over to the table and starts working on his homework. I walk over to 60, who hands me a letter with my name, well number on it and the Hydra seal.

"It was on the door when we got here." he says and goes back to sharpening his knives.

I open the letter and read it. I freeze. Night comes up to me and brushes up against my leg, sending memories my way. I see a face that looks exactly like mine except it's younger. I remember who she is and rush to the window and search for her in the streets. No luck, all I see are everyday people walking around on the streets.

Then I spot her. She's wearing all black and a hat on to cover her face from people. Lose long grey pieces of her hair flow in the wind. A big German Shepherd stands protectively beside her. She looks up at me and I see every wrinkle she has from being so old. Our eyes meet, crystal blue eye to crystal blue eye. She smiles and turns around and becomes one with the crowd, she was always good at that.

I smile. Even after all these years, she's still looking out for me. I bring the letter close to me, the letter that has only an address written on it. I look at my crew and walk over to the counter and pull out the liter a burn the piece of paper so no one else can read it. I look out the window. I look forward to seeing you, sister.

Soldier 259Where stories live. Discover now