Sweet - Vampire! L X Reader

Start from the beginning

He blinked at you with those dark eyes, and then frowned. "I'm sorry." He seemed to have composed himself, and stood up from his chair, taking a few paces away from you. "I would advise that you stay away from me for the rest of the night, (F/N)," he said. "Get some sleep. I will remain here."

You looked curiously at him. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head, black hair falling over his eyes. "No."

It was then that you noticed something odd about his eyes. Normally they were a dark grey colour, underlined with shadows - but this time there was a thin ring of dark red around the outside of his irises. Confused, you asked, "Are you wearing contacts?" It was the only logical explanation, unless you were seeing things.

"No," he replied.

He didn't say anything else, so you took a step closer to him. "Something's wrong," you said. "Don't hide it from me, L. What's bothering you?" You reached out your hand, moving his hair away from his eyes so you could see them better. The ring of red was definitely there - you weren't seeing things. "What happened to your eyes?"

He reached out and gripped your wrist suddenly, faster than you'd seen him move before. Slowly, he turned your wrist over, lifting his other hand and running his index finger along where your veins showed. Something flashed in his eyes, and a mixture of emotions whirled in them. He looked up at you. "You smell sweet," he said, repeating his earlier words.

You frowned. "Are you all right?"

He leaned towards you, and for a moment you thought he was about to kiss you. Not that you really would have minded that, considering the way you felt about him. But instead, he tilted his head and pressed his mouth to your neck like he had done before. You flinched as he kissed your skin softly, before opening his mouth and allowing his teeth to touch your neck. Two sharp points pressed into your skin, and your eyes widened in surprise. A thought crossed your mind - vampire? - but you pushed it away. He couldn't be a vampire. He was L, not to mention vampires didn't exist. Clearly you had been reading too many fictional books about supernatural creatures.

Except apparently you were wrong, because in the next second, the two sharp points you had felt pierced the skin of your neck, sinking into your flesh. You gasped at the sudden sharp pain. How could L's teeth be that sharp? Of course, the answer was simple, but one you didn't want to believe - he had fangs. Vampire fangs, sharper than needle-points.

The bite wasn't exactly painful, although it ached a little. You started to feel faint from sudden blood-loss - and then you were lying on the floor, unsure of how you got there. L was staring down at you, blood on his lips and his eyes wider than you had ever seen them. He looked shocked, though really it should be you who was shocked. Except, you didn't really have time to consider how you felt - because you blacked out.

When you woke, L was standing over you and you were lying on the sofa in the same room - L must have moved you off of the floor. Wondering how long you'd been out, you tried to push yourself up into a sitting position. It took a lot of willpower, since your arms trembled as you pushed yourself up. Your head spun a little, and you reached up tentatively to tough the two small puncture marks on your neck. "That's going to look like either a weird hickey or a snake bite," you said, looking up at L and trying to conceal your fear and nervousness. "Now I'm going to have to wear my hair down to cover it."

"I'm sorry, (F/N)," L said, after a moment. "You shouldn't have found out what I am in that way. You shouldn't have found out at all. I didn't want to hurt you."

"What...what are you?" you asked. "What happened to you? Were you always so...fixated by blood and scents? Because if you were, I never noticed before."

"I'm a vampire, (F/N)," he said softly, and you closed your eyes, scarcely believing this was real. "I've been like this for a few months now. I don't really remember what happened to change me, only that I woke one day with a strange yearning for blood, and fangs."

"Why didn't you tell me you were a...a vampire?" you asked, scarcely believing this was real. "Is this a dream?"

"You're not dreaming, (F/N), I promise. I am sorry if you're frightened."

"Why did you bite me? You're not planning to kill me or anything, are you?"

"No. I never meant to...bite you. But you smelled sweet, and you got too close to me. I couldn't resist you."

"I don't know whether I should be annoyed or flattered," you said. "Both, I suppose." You gripped hold of the nearest chair for support, using it to pull yourself to your feet. "I think I need to sit down," you said as soon as you were standing, and fell back, into the chair.

L sat down in the chair next to you, bringing his knees up to his chest as he usually did. "I am sorry, (F/N)," he murmured. "Perhaps I should have told you, rather than let you find out like that."

"Yeah," you replied. "I didn't really appreciate being bitten, you know." When he didn't answer, you added, "It's not...too much of a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes, or loses control at some point in their life. It's just...it'll take me a while to get used to this, I guess - you being a fanged creature of the night."

He nodded. "You won't tell the task force?"

"Only as long as you promise not to eat them," you said solemnly. He gave you a look that told you he was definitely not amused. "Of course I won't tell them," you amended. "But...maybe you should."

He sighed. "If I do, I'll wait until after the Kira case," he said. "Telling them now will only distract them."

"Always the logical thinker." You smiled at him. "Well, I guess I'd better get some sleep while I let my body recover from...you know, sudden blood loss."

He turned to the computer. "I'm sorry, (F/N)."

"You don't have to keep apologising," you answered. "It's all right. It's just a lot to take in, that's all - I feel a little overwhelmed at the moment. I never expected...I mean, I know you're very pale and you're not like other people, but I could never have considered linking that to being a vampire."

"I have always been paler than most," L told me. "As for my abnormalities, well...Watari can tell you I've never been quite like others. Becoming a vampire has not affected me in any way other than giving me a desire for blood."

"Does Watari know?" I asked. "That you're..."

L nodded. "He has known ever since it happened. It is Watari who brings me animal blood every night, so I am able to resist human blood. Unfortunately the temptation is difficult to resist when it's very close to you, as you discovered." He sighed. "I'm-"

"Don't," you said. "Don't say you're sorry again. I've forgiven you, Ryuzaki."

He frowned at the floor. "If you wish to leave the task force, I would understand."

"I'm not leaving the task force," you said firmly. "I'm not leaving you. I'm here for you, okay?" When he didn't look at you, you said, "Ryuzaki." You paused. "L."

He looked at you. "I'm here for you," you repeated gently. "I'll always be here. I'll help you get through this, all right?"

His dark eyes widened. "I would not expect you to want to help-"

"But I do want to, and I will," you said. "I promise, Ryuzaki."

He half-closed his eyes, and then, after a moment's hesitation, he laid his hand awkwardly across yours. "You are a very sweet person, (F/N). Thank you."  

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