
"One week more to go before the blind date starts. I can't hardly wait to see you.." I chirped happily. Without knowing, I started to hummed some song that was trapped in his mind and drove off his car to the park. Where I would be having a night walk just to gasp some clean air. I felt a light buzz from my pocket pants. Realizing that it's my call, I hooked it out and slide the green button. "Ne omoni..." I greeted her with good manners.

"Kwang Soo my boy.... I'm sorry I didn't explain well to my daughter about you. She was supposed to come over to meet me, but of course.. Her work was her first priority. As usual.." She huffed. "But I will let her know more about you. Do you want to carry on with the blind date or to postpone it?"

"Well.. That will be your decision then, omoni. I have no objection with that."

"Well I supposed it's not good to postpone it right?? And I'm really sure you must be trilled to meet her."

"Actually I met her once.. Well it's just a coincidence. But I wouldn't mind to postpone it. Probably she isn't ready to meet me after all."

"I say... Let's just keep it with our schedule. How is that?" She suggested.

"Sounds good to me, omoni." I responded happily. I heard a loud slam from her side, probably she slammed her palm on the table with excitement.

"Brilliant... So let's hope things goes right then. Have a good day, Kwang Soo."

"Ne.. You too, omoni." We finally ended the call. I drove my car happily. Thinking what should I wear for the blind date. "So...Should I go for a white tux? Or a black one?" I was excited to meet this lady.

I frowned as my sight meet with the opposite direction. It seems that the car is out if control. In a blink, the car swerve to my lane. Without able to avoid the car from the opposite lane, we collided on each other.


I can't remember what happened when the car was collided with another. I saw a small light, pointing at my sight. Everything seems blur to me, and then I realized that there's a paramedic. A male paramedic was my first sight. "Semi-conscious. He's got a bad fractured at his ribcage, serious injury on his head as well. "Stretcher here! Quick!" "Can you hear me, sir?" The paramedic asked. I blinked in confusion, not thinking of answering him at all. "What's your name?" Again I didn't speak. "There's a possibility blood clot on his brain as well. He's not responding well." My eyes are too tired, that I fell back into a quick nap.


I was awaken, feeling discomfort with my body. It felt so weird, and I don't feel good at all. I know that the other victim was injured as well, but I wasn't sure how serious was it. I started to pant for air.

The paramedic quickly put on the oxygen mask. It was supposed to help me with my breathing, but it didn't help much. "Sir..." The same paramedic spoken to me.

I looked on my left side, seeing someone who was familiar. Ji Hyo. "No......" I mumbled weakly. She was laying on the stroller next to me. Her condition seems worst as well. I saw the other paramedic was pumping the blood from the tube, the needle was inserted into her vein. Ji Hyo was already unconscious when there's a great impact occurred.

"Ji... H-hyo..." I mumbled while gasping for air. My trembling hand slowly reached out on hers. Holding her hand which was covered with red blood.

I wish I could get up and hugged her in my arms, but I was too weak to do so. My vision at the same time was getting blur, and I knew that I wouldn't manage to survive before arriving the hospital. My chest hurts so badly that I squinted my eyes tightly, struggling to fight off the pain.

My chest felt even awful, that I realized I was coughing blood. A really bad cough. My hearing was getting worst as well. I know that the paramedic was instructing the others to do something, but I wasn't sure about it. He removed my mask, and wiped off the blood stain on my cheeks and chin that was been coughed out.

"Sir.. Please." The paramedic instructed me with a calm look, while helping to put on the mask on me again. Obviously he was terrified to see my bad condition, but he was a good liar that he's able to cover up his fear. "Just rest. We are nearby to the hospital." I tried to speak, but my voice was too dull to be heard. "Everything is going to be okay...." He told me.

"What is it sir??" The paramedic asked when he saw my lips moving. He lowered his head, an ear was close to me.

"Ss-sa... Save... her." I felt exhausted soon as I voiced out. My eyes are getting heavy and it was sealed shut as I could not hold any longer. My grip on Ji Hyo's hand as well were loosen, and the monitor went flat.


I didn't know how long had I died. The pain from the bad accident, it felt like it happened few minutes ago. I was there for Ji Hyo, each time. Watching my little angel who was unconscious on bed is just hurting me so much. I didn't know what to do, helpless. There's no one who could see me, but only lost souls like me could communicate with me. I stood next to her, day by day. Praying that she will wakes up from her deep sleep, but that never happen. I didn't even got the chance to know her well, and she doesn't even know my presence. All I wanted to give her a sweet moment, even it's not happening in the reality.

"There's another way of souls like us to communicate with humans. Enter into their dream. " Instructed one of the soul that who was close to me. I finally decided to enter her dream, till she's awake from her long nap. I held my one finger, and placed it on Ji Hyo's forehead. As I closed my eyes, flashing back those images of Ji Hyo.


Once I opened my eyes, I saw myself in the cafeteria. Wearing my comfortable outfit, and was doing something that I used to do so. Having my sketch book on the table. And when I looked around, that was the time I met Ji Hyo, who was waiting for her usual drink in the cafeteria. She looks just the same as the last time I seen her. "We finally met, Ji Hyo. My little angel."


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