getting to know you

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I woke up to a loud crash, jumping up I ran out the door. I looked around and saw the guys with arms full of stuff and the lamp knocked over. I heard a scream and then crying. I went down to the nursing area where I knew Nicklaus was. I walked into the room and Nicklaus was screaming his head off if anyone tried to go near him. I went over to him and he reached for me. I picked him up and he stopped crying.
"How did you do that we've been trying since he woke up," they asked.
I looked at them like they were a bunch of idiots.
"He's scared, how would you feel if someone your size was coming up to you like that," I said.
"Sorry boss we didnt mean to scare the little guy, " they said
I walked out the room and took Nicklaus to my office. I sat down in my chair and placed hin on my lap. I looked down at him and noticed he was laying his head on my chest breathing slowly. He had fell back to sleep, I let him lay on me and started filling out all the paper work I didn't finish last night. It was really peaceful until I heard a loud knock on my office door which woke nicklaus up and he was a sobbing mess. I started to rub his back trying to calm him down and yelled at whoever woke him up.
"Come in," I yelled pissed off.
One of the guys from earlier walked in and he noticed Nicklaus crying and he looked at me like I was going to jump across my desk.
"You imbecile," I yelled.
Which my made Nicklaus jump, I grabbed a pacifier off my desk and gave it to him and continued to rub his back.
"Do you know how long it takes for him to sleep and you knock on the door like someone is dying," I said looking at him while he squirmed under my gaze.
He stayed quiet and mumbled under his breath.
" excuse me," I said.
He repeated what he said.
"Your mother is here to see you Sir."
I nodded my head and he left, I noticed that Nicklaus was oddly quiet I looked down and he was playing with my necklace content.
"Nicklaus,"I said.
He looked up at me in curiosity.
"I'm taking you to meet a very special person to me and I need you to be on your best behavior can you do that for me," i asked.
He nooded his head in reply we both went upstairs to change into better clothes. I decided that we both we're good with just a simple T-shirt, shorts and socks.
We headed back downstairs to the kitchen where my mother was waiting and I walked out, at first she didn't notice me or Nicklaus. When she turned around to greet me she saw nicklaus in my arms suggled up to my chest and fainted.

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