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"I ain't supposed to tell you I still love you"

San Diego, California


"Ma can you please come inside? Just for a second. I just want to show you my project." I sighed before turning and looking at Drew, now 11 in the backseat.

"Why can't you just bring it out here Drew?"

"Because I don't wanna mess it up. Please ma!" He whinned as Harley sighed.

"Mama can you please just come in so he can stop whining?" Harley, now 14, said looking down at her phone. I groaned before getting out the car. All three of us walked to the door of Bryson's home, but I was in the back.

Harley pulled out her key and opened the door. When we walked in Aubrey, 5 and Jace, 7 were both sitting on the couch with Bryson watching Spongebob.

"Hey Daddy!" Harley and Drew said in unison.

"He-" He paused when he seen me. He cleared his throat. "Hey guys. Hey Kameron." He kind of mumbled the last part. I just smiled and followed Drew to his room. I made him hurry to show me his project because every time I'm at Bryson's it's such a weird vibe.

I gave all my babies a hug but I saved Harley for last.

"When's your next track meet?"

"Tuesday. Are you gonna come?"

"Um yes of course."

"I know you and Daddy don't get along very well but thanks for compromising for me" She said as she smiled at me.

"Anything for you girl" I said with a slight laugh. I walked out the door but as always Bryson was right behind me.

"Kameron! Can we stop being petty please? Can we talk like adults?"

"We can talk when you sign the fucking papers Bryson. I don't wanna talk to you." I said walking towards my car.

"I'm not signing shit. I wanna fix it."

"This is not fucking fixable Bryson. Why don't you get that? It's over! Do I need to draw you a damn picture?! I don't want to be married to you anymore! I don't know how else to get it through your brain!" I said angrily finally reaching my car.

"The feeling is not mutual at all. You can't look me in my face and tell me you don't still love me."

"Bryson stop. Of course I still love you. But how you treat me isn't love."  I went to open the door but he put his hand on it making it close.


"Move." She said looking me in my eyes.

"How many times do I have to say sorry Kameron?" I said getting aggravated

"I don't give two fucks how many times you say it. We're not getting back together. Either you're gonna sign the papers the easy way or the hard way." I moved my hand from the door and she got in not forgetting to slam the door in my face. I ran my hand over my face before turning to walk in the house.

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