How I Met HIM

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My eyes were sealed shut, maybe by my lack of courage to look into my captor's eyes, maybe because the memories were to the only sanity I had left. Either way, my mind focused on the only source I had to know the outside world. " She has been out for months, this could affect her deeply in both  ways." A small voice said, close to my ear. "Who cares? It's only an experiment. If she fails, we have more." A deeper voice answered, followed by some shuffling across the room. He paused, then headed straight towards me, stopping at my  right. "I know you are awake Choyuko. If I were you, I would open my eyes." I gulped, knowing very well that these men were the last I would see in my form. Slowly, I opened my eyes. The blurry surroundings turned into a white operation room. A strong man was holding a syringe full of black liquid near my throat. He had black gelled hair and strong brown eyes that met mine. One my left a thin boy, no more than 17, held a clipboard and madly writing down something. He had,also, black hair but messed up appearing as if he just woke up. A pair of harry-potter-like spectacles perched on his nose. " Good, now, keep your eyes open and try not to vomit. We have had unpleasant experiences and I don't want another one." The man said, slowly piercing my neck. I bit my lip- my vision pulsing. Slowly, the liquid was injected into my blood stream, making my body shake and throb. I screamed when I saw red, my head banging against the metal table, my wrists burning from the leather straps that were digging into my skin. " HOLD HER!" The man yelled again ,and two pairs of hands held me down, making the pain unbearable. I let out another scream, but it wasn't my voice, shrill and high,but a deep growl that belongs to an animal. Thier eyes widened, but the man smiled and tightened his grip on my shoulders. " It's working! Fumio! Inject her with the other! HAHA!" His voice sounded far away; my mind unable to focus on anything. It was blank, my eyes were frozen in a wild fury and my body limp on the table. My heart beat was racing. I felt another needle go into me, this time into my wrists and ankles. They throbbed and burned, but I wasn't able to move. "Good girl. Good girl." The man purred, his hand gently stroking my forehead. It was the last thing I remember before passing out. 

I woke up in my bedroom. It was white, like the rest of the laboratory, with one metal bed, a mirror, and a stool. My head was still spinning as I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I took my hands off, I stared at the blood trickling down my palm. I had cried blood. Ignoring the migraine I had; I ran to the mirror, wincing after each step. My face was red, smudged blood covering my cheeks, forehead, and especially my eyes. My hair was held in a braid- the usual hairstyle I wear. But It was no longer thick red locks, but crystal-like blue strands, which ran to my tail bone. After wiping my face clean of blood, I studied it carefully. My complexion was pale, not a big improvement. My freckles, which used to dot my face, were gone. But the most bizarre change were my eyes: my right eye was a deep blue, like that of an ocean. But the other was a silver gray, with some specks of violet  crisscrossing against it. My hands were smooth and silky. I studied my nails. They looked normal, but then I noticed depressions underneath the nails. To my surprised, white claws burst through. I yelped, but no sound came out. Scared, I panicked and rammed myself into the wall, so desperately trying to wake myself up. And that is how they found me, banging my body against the wall, my skull cracked and blood running down my side. I was labeled Kiken'na, or 'unsafe', and flung out to the streets. I was wounded, scared, and lost. I was losing blood so fast that I was sure to die. 'It doesn't matter. No one knows you or cares for you. No god ever protected you. Death is the only friend you have.' I  thought to myself.  

The laboratory was in a desert, far away from civilization. I concluded that, if I were to die, it would be nowhere near this hell place. So I walked. Every hour of my wake, day and night. Each minute I suspected that my legs will fail me ,and my soul will leave this new body. But I walked on. I had no rest nor food for weeks, only a cup full of cactus water I managed to acquire with the occasional plant. I had become so tired, that I was crawling on all fours. Curiously, I fueled me and I felt strength. But, It was more likely a mirage. It was  then, on July 23, 1888, I found a small town. There was only 100 people max in the town, but it was more than enough. My hunger took the best of me. As soon as a person came in sight, I pounced on him. My teeth ripped him open in such inhuman speed. His cries captured attention and screams erupted around me. Police ran to the scene, but I, having been surprised myself, jumped over them and into a store. My stomach had been satisfied for now, but I was not full. It appeared to be a butcher shop, and the old man was shaking in the corner. The fear in his eyes was disturbing as I hungrily tore apart his shop. Four police officers, and two men with nets and rifles came rushing in. I attacked the first one, ripping his head off and knocking another off his feet. Nets flew at me, but I tore them into two. I screamed, but, yet again, a growl erupted from my chest. I charged out onto  the street once more, crushing anyone that was in my way. I was angry. Angry about my family's disappearance. Angry about my torture and capture. Blood coated me as I ran about like a wild beast. Then, I saw Him. He was standing only a few feet from me. Calm and collected. A small smile tugged on his face; his black hair blowing gently in the wind. He stretched out his hand and touched my head. I snapped my head back, growling. What did he think of me? An animal? I tried to stand up on my feet but fell hopelessly. What on earth? I looked at my hands, my stomach. I was covered in fur. my hands were paws. I screamed, this time, it wasn't a growl, but a high pitch whistle. A sharp pain burst thgough my back.  I stared at the man as my vision darkened. Good kitty. 


The Butler's Tiger--Black Butler Fanfic--जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें