Part 1

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Holy shit!
I can't believe I am done with my first year of college. It's been stressful. Plus having been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety hasn't made it any easier. But I say fuck it. I fucking completed this year.
I have two more hours before dad comes to pick me up. My summer is as bleak as I don't even know. 
"Get yourself together Renee" I whisper to myself, "Put your innocent face back on. You are such an angel not".
"Hi dad!" I greeted my father with an awkward side hug. Our relationship has never been good or ok. He wasn't in my life for over fourteen years and he hasn't made an effort to allow me to get closer. Things got worse last year after our fight. According to my siblings, he's scared of me. Ha!
I take he up to my room where all my belonging lay in the middle of the hallway. I do hope one of my suitemates falls. I haven't seen anyone fall in over a year. Damn, I'm evil.
Now what was I saying again. Oh yeah. Dad helped load everything into the four carts and packed the car as I said my final goodbyes to my two new best friends I made in college.
"I have a surprise for you" my dad told me after the car started moving. He knows how much I hate surprises. Well, maybe not. We are not that close  anyway.
A few weeks ago, I told him I wanted to go visit mom in Africa when I went home for a dentist appointment . I haven't seen her in almost five years. And I forgot my fucking passport at home...well, I live with my stepmother. My dad and her are divorced again. He hands me my passport with a visa to go see her first two and a half months. I miss my old friends in Africa. This is amazing. Hold the fuck up. Two days to pack two months worth of stuff? What the fuck? I don't remember being a robot and setting my emails didn't mention that either. Does he realize I have to unpack ten months worth of things before I can sort through what I need?
I can't complain though. "Suck it up" I whisper to myself. "Thanks dad" I turn to my dad and say.
This is going to a long summer...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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