Chapter 2

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We've been training for the past days. Yes, it's tough for me and Margot to adjust because it has been a little while since we had trainings like this and we're new to the team but the good thing is that we're getting along with the other players. They all make us feel comfortable. It's been only a week since we officially became members but they don't make us feel that way. Especially, Ken Fajardo, the team captain- Her name's actually Kendall but she likes it better if we call her Ken- She's a very good friend.

We're on our way to the gym when someone called out our names. "Margot! Vic!"

That's Theresa Demecillo, Tessa for short. A teammate and a proud girlfriend of our team captain. Yes, that's right. Ken Fajardo and Tessa Demecillo, they're together.

"Where are you going?" She added. Margot and I both pointed at the gym.

"Oh no no no. We're not having a practice today. We have to support our men's basketball team. They're going against the rivals today. Come on now!" She clapped her hands. She grabbed mine and Margot's arms and brought us to the school's parking lot.

"They're here." She announced to the whole team as soon as we hopped in the van.


I watched Tyler Torres as he scored a couple of points. Every girl goes crazy about him, including Margot.

"Margot Reyes, calm down." I tell her.

"How to chill? Vic! How?!" She exclaimed as she slapped my arms, left and right. Ouch.

I checked my phone. 8:18 pm. Gosh, I want to go home.

"Marg, let's go!"
"Vic! Are you crazy? The game's almost over. Just wait, okay?"
"Gosh, Margot! What's gotten into you?" I joked.
"Oh come on Vic. Please? It won't happen again, I promise. Pretty please?"
"Fine! Fine!" I sighed in defeat and sat back on the bleachers.

The game ended at about 9 pm, bad news. Our men's basketball team won, good news.

Margot and I went straight home. She gave me a ride so I promised to drive her to school tomorrow.

I'm now in my room but I couldn't get myself to slumber so I got up from my bed. It's 10 in the evening and I do not know what to do.

I decided to go downstairs to get a glass of milk. I walked past my parents' old bedroom. I remember when they were still living here. They used to leave their bedroom door slightly open so I would always come in and catch them cuddling. Then they would throw pillows at me and we'll start pillow fighting. I silently laughed at the thought. A happy memory.

I couldn't find any milk in the fridge and I'm starting to get frustrated because I'm physically tired but my eyes aren't cooperating and they won't let me sleep. I sat on the floor, waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, my fairy godmother appeared from who knows where. She's holding a wand, the one I'm seeing from the Harry Potter movies. The old lady is now standing in front of me. Carefully swishing and flicking her glowing wand. "What's your problem, dear? How may I help you?"

Of course that's a joke. No fairy godmother, no wand, nothing magical. My butt's still sitting on the cold floor. See how my brain works? I sound like a weird comedian. My jokes are the worst.

Few moments later, I found myself wearing my favorite black jacket. My own feet brought me to nearest convenient store.

All I know is I want milk.


I was about to pay for my milk at the counter when someone stepped on my left foot. "Ouch! Watch it!"

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