Chapter 3 - I Need My Steak Knife

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           But I could already see Angelica's lips quirking into a smirk. That little rascal has an evil pl-

           "Pout at her!" Angelica screamed.

           And together, they both looked at me and worked their magic, opening their eyes wide, and looking up to me, with their lips all cute, pink, and pouting. I could even see their lower lips trembling.

           Wow, they've definitely gotten way, waaaay better since the last time they begged to borrow my acoustic guitar and stick unicorn stickers all over it.

           They definitely looked adorable. At 11 years old, they now looked like mini versions of my mother. They all had the same wavy light brown hair, the same chocolate brown eyes, and the same lightly tanned skin from all the swimming they did last summer. And right now, the twins both had identical braids at the sides of their head.

           Oh, that's right, they're identical twins. The only thing different about each of them would have to be their favourite colors. Kylie loves purple, Angelica loves pink. Such girlie colors, being in their rooms make me want to gag on my own spit. But of course, if you constantly see them, you'd be able to actually spot physical differences like which one has a dimple and what not. You'd also be able to figure out which twin was evil and which twin was more evil.

           If you saw my mum with the twins, you'd think that they looked like clones of each other - with the twins being younger ones, of course. They all look so much alike, it's ridiculous.

           Then you "insert" me in the picture and you'll start thinking how sweet it is of my mum to adopt me.

           No. I am not adopted. But with the way I look, I might as well be. It's not even a wee bit funny.

           They also got most of my mum's spunky personality. Hence the endless stream of chatter once they begin, and the periodic bursts of energy that came as often as about a hundred times a day.

           "Nice try," I smirked at both of them. "But I've got homework to finish." And with this, I haughtily walked up the stairs, eager to escape to my room.

           To be quite frank, my sisters were my weakness. See, I usually give in to what they want. Like that one time when they played as fashion designers and wanted to alter my clothes. Let's just say I looked like I went through an attack after the makeover. Apparently, they were going after those ripped Goth looks. I learned my lesson and that event is precisely why I always walk away while my self-control is still at its fullest. Staying too long in the same room with the evil twins can result to pink fingernails, make up, and clothes.

           "What homework? It's the first day of school, Meg!" Angelica called after me.

           "Yeah!" Kylie nodded in agreement. "No one gives homework on the first day of school, that's just -"

           "-evil." Angelica finished for her.

           I turned around and raised my eyebrows at them, leaning over the banister to get a better view of them. "Maybe I just need a break from hanging out with you evil twins." I said to them, allowing a small smile to slip on my face.

           "But you love us!" they both chorused making me groan in exasperation.

           "Don't. Please, for the love of chocolate cakes, don't do that."

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